Patient treatment and care
The focus of this research domain is on the treatment of cancer patients and on new and better ways to improve the care for patients and their beloved ones. Reducing the physical, psychological and financial impact of a cancer diagnosis is of course of great importance. The Cancer Centre ("Kankercentrum") within Ghent University Hospital is a multidisciplinary center that places patient treatment and care central. Many researchers and of course clinicians within CRIG are involved in patient treatment and care.
Cancer Centre
CRIG group leaders
Other CRIG Members
- dr. Luís Filipe Abreu de Carvalho (MD)
- dr. Margot Baudelet (PhD)
- dr. Nathalie Belpame (PhD)
- prof. Tom Boterberg (MD, PhD)
- Quentin Bouchez
- prof. Geert Braems (MD, PhD)
- dr. Renée Bultijnck (PhD)
- prof. Kenneth Chambaere (PhD)
- dr. Renaat Coopman (MD, PhD)
- dr. Willem Daneels (MD)
- dr. Emiel De Jaeghere (MD)
- dr. Daan De Maeseneer (MD)
- Renée De Noyette
- dr. Robin De Putter (MD)
- prof. Delphine De Smedt (PhD)
- dr. Els De Waegeneer (PhD)
- dr. Bram De Wilde (MD, PhD)
- dr. Brant Delafontaine (MD)
- dr. Sarah Deschuymer (MD, PhD)
- dr. Desirée Dorleijn (MD, PhD)
- dr. Charlèss Dupont (PhD)
- Evi Duthoo
- prof. Anja Geerts (MD, PhD)
- prof. Gerard Bryan Gonzales (PhD)
- prof. Liesbet Goubert (PhD)
- dr. Giorgio G. G. Hallaert (MD, PhD)
- dr. Maarten Haspeslagh (DVM, PhD)
- Nayra Herreira do Valle
- Adelheid Hollebosch
- dr. Isabelle Hoorens (MD, PhD)
- dr. Vincent Huybrechts (MD)
- Charlotte Kerstens
- prof. Lise-Marie Kinnaer (PhD)
- dr. Nicolas Kint (MD, PhD)
- Adriana Krupa
- prof. Bruno Lapauw (MD, PhD)
- dr. Lore Lapeire (MD, PhD)
- dr. Sander Lefere (MD, PhD)
- An Lievrouw
- Luna Maris
- prof. Ann Martens (DVM, PhD)
- Alexandre Merchiers (DVM)
- Peter Merseburger
- Thomas Michiels
- prof. Chris Monten (MD, PhD)
- dr. Liselot M. Mus (PhD)
- dr. Sofie Mylle (MD)
- dr. Eline Naert (MD)
- Truong Nguyen
- prof. Sarah Raevens (MD, PhD)
- Lama Ramadan
- dr. Elke Rammant (PhD)
- Tom Roggeman
- dr. Michael Saerens (MD)
- dr. Yaël Slaghmuylder (PhD)
- Emma Tack
- dr. Nicky Somers (MD)
- dr. Michael Stouthandel (PhD)
- prof. Sylvie Rottey (MD, PhD)
- dr. Vincent J-L Vakaet (MD)
- dr. Elke Van Daele (MD, PhD)
- Heleen Van Der Biest
- prof. Brent van der Heyden (PhD)
- Sophie Van Hoyweghen
- Lotte van Kuijk (DVM)
- prof. Charles Van Praet (MD, PhD)
- prof. Gabrielle van Ramshorst (MD, PhD)
- dr. Donatienne Van Weehaeghe (MD, PhD)
- dr. Miet Vandemaele (MD)
- Katrien Vandemeulebroecke
- dr. Joris Vangeneugden (MD)
- dr. Dimitri Vanhauwaert (MD, PhD)
- dr. Elke Veirman (PhD)
- Sofie Vercammen
- dr. Flor Verghote (MD)
- prof. Xavier Verhelst (MD, PhD)
- Saar Vermijs
- dr. Nick Verougstraete (PhD)
- dr. Charlotte Verroken (MD, PhD)
- Isabel Vlerick
- dr. Mieke Waterschoot (MD)