dr. Miet Vandemaele (MD)

Doctoral fellow - Department of human structure and repair, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UGent.
Trainee radiation oncologist - Department of Radiation Oncology, campus UZ Gent.
Principal investigator: prof. Yolande Lievens (MD, PhD)
Research focus
Our research focuses on improving access to high-value radiotherapy interventions for patients. Implementation of radiotherapy innovations can be affected by the diversity of interventions (from masks to proton beam therapy to AI) or the need for non-traditional endpoints to capture adequately the benefits of RO (e.g. loco-regional control or organ preservation), making the available evidence difficult to use for policy decision making.
Supported by the Health Economics in Radiation Oncology project in the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO-HERO project), our research aims to providing a tailored appraisal tool for radiotherapy interventions, using value-based healthcare principles to identify high-value interventions. This framework will define and categorize innovations in radiotherapy, but equally define endpoints and minimal benefit required for clinical implementation and link these with the required evidence in view of their clinical introduction in the health care system.
Ultimately, adopting this value framework with policy implications will facilitate timely access to high-value radiotherapy interventions for patients.
Key publications
- A systematic literature review of definitions and classification systems for radiotherapy innovation: A first step towards building a value-based assessment tool for radiation oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2023. (PMID: 36889594)
Contact & links
- Lab address : UZ Gent, Department of Radiation Oncology, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, Radiotherapiepark Ingang 98, 9000 Gent
- ESTRO Value Based HealthCare project
- Miet Vandemaele is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks