dr. Brant Delafontaine (MD)

CRIG member
Brant Delafontaine

Investigator – Drug Research Unit Ghent (D.R.U.G.), UZ Ghent
Principal investigator: prof. Sylvie Rottey (MD, PhD)


Research focus

At the Drug Research Unit Ghent (D.R.U.G.) I collaborate to early phase clinical trials in both healthy volunteers and patients. Patient trials are focused on oncology.

Contact & links

  • Lab address: UZ Ghent, D.R.U.G. (entrance 7, route 7030, 3rd floor), C. Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
  • D.R.U.G. 
  • D.R.U.G. is open to collaboration with scientists who wish to translate their pre-clinical results to the clinic.
  • The above information is intended for researchers. Patients and healthy volunteers who would like to participate to clinical trials, as well as medical doctors who would like to refer a patient, are kindly referred to the website of D.R.U.G. for more information.