prof. Ans Baeyens (PhD)

Principal investigator - Radiobiology lab - UGent
Associate professor - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - UGent
Research focus
My main research is in the field of molecular and clinical radiobiology, radiation protection. Topics focus on chromosomal radiosensitivity, DNA repair mechanism and cancer predisposition in breast, cervical cancer and HIV positive cancer patients. Recently a new research line focusing on proton therapy and hematopoietic stem cells is initiated. Another part of my research is in the field of biological dosimetry. We try to estimate by using cytogenetic tests the radiation-induced DNA damage in radiation-overexposed individuals. Since beginning of 2019 we are the reference lab for radiosensitivity testing in Belgium.
Research team
- Prof. Anne Vral - principle investigator, full professor
- Prof. Ans Baeyens - principle investigator, associate professor
- dr. Renu Dayal (PhD) - postdoctoral researcher
- Lama Ramadan - doctoral fellow
- Leen Pieters - technician
- Toke Thiron - technician
Key publications
- Absence of genotoxic effect in circulating lymphocytes of workers exposed to cadmium. Toxicology Letters, 2019
- The effect of modulated electro-hyperthermia on local disease control in HIV-positive and -negative cervical cancer women in South Africa: Early results from a phase III randomised controlled trial. Plos One, 2019
- Chromosomal Radiosensitivity of Triple Negative and Young Breast Cancer Patients. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 2019
- Analysis of the effects of mEHT on the treatment-related toxicity and quality of life of HIV-positive cervical cancer patients. Int J Hyperthermia, 2020
- Potentiation of the abscopal effect by modulated electro-hyperthermia in locally advanced cervical cancer patients. Frontiers in Oncology, 2020
- The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay on human isolated fresh and cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Journal Personalised Medicine, 2020
- The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay for cryopreserved whole blood. Int J Radiat Biol,2021
- Basic Concepts of Radiation Biology. Radiobiology Textbook, 25–81. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-18810-7, 2023
- Impact of proton therapy on the DNA damage induction and repair in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Scientific reports; 13; 16995, 2023
- Peripheral blood lymphocytes differ in DNA damage response after exposure to X-rays with different physical properties, Int J Radiat Biol, 2023
- RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: The Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay. Radiat Res, 199 (6): 571-582, 2023
Contact & links
- Radiobiology, Campus UZ, Building 6B3, entrance 46, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
- Biodosimetrie
- Autobeeldanalyse