prof. Lieve Brochez (MD, PhD)

CRIG group leader
Lieve Brochez

Clinical Expert 2, Dermatology, Ghent University Hospital
Senior full professor (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Head & Skin, Ghent University)
Former member & vice-chair of the CRIG steering committee 
Group leader of Skin CRIG



Research focus

SkinCRIG conducts clinical, translational and (psycho)social research into skin cancer including melanoma, keratinocyte cancers and rare skin cancer types. It also investigates the impact of cancer (treatment) on skin. 
This includes research into 

  • social impact and prevention

  • innovative imaging, teledermatology and artificial intelligence

  • tumor immunology and microbiome

  • innovative treatments

  • psychosocial aspects

  • skin toxicity in anti-cancer treatments

  • etc.

Research team

Defended PhD theses (last 5 years)

  • Integrating neural networks as diagnosis support in dermatology - Pieter Van Molle (2024)
  • Biomarkers in immuno-oncology : from melanoma to other cancer types, from tissue to liquid biopsy, from late stage to early stage disease - Annabel Meireson (2022)
  • Exploring RNA signatures in human biofluids as novel liquid biopsy tool - Eva Hulstaert (2021)
  • Ex vivo dermoscopy with dermdotting: a new method for lesion specific and targeted cutting - Marc Haspeslagh (2019)

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