What is PrIOMiC?

Focus & objectives

PrIOMiC is CRIG's International Thematic Network (ITN) on 'Precision oncology, Immuno-Oncology and Modeling in Cancer', funded by Ghent University since 2019. The aim of the PrIOMiC network is to stimulate and strengthen CRIG’s international collaborative network with experts from renowned cancer research institutes. Through this network, we aim to build long-term partnerships and promote excellent research, education & societal impact in oncology.

Funding & activities

During the first term of PrIOMiC (2019 - 2024), the budget included 300 K EUR by UGent and matched 300 K EUR co-funding by CRIG and the international partners. During the second term (2025 - 2029), the total budget includes 150 K EUR by UGent and 450 K EUR co-funding by CRIG and the partners. The available funding will mainly be used for the organization of (international) PrIOMiC symposia and invited speaker seminars, mobility between partners & mobility grants, coordination costs, and other efforts to support and promote the network.

An open network

Importantly, the PrIOMiC network is open to all cancer researchers and aims to create value for all PrIOMiC partners, the whole CRIG research community, Ghent University and other stakeholders.

PrIOMiC partners

The PrIOMiC network is supported by both CRIG/UGent affiliated teams and international partners and affiliated institutions. 

The CRIG/UGent partners of the PrIOMiC network during the second phase are: Prof. Katleen De Preter (promotor during second phase, 2025-2029), prof. Jo Vandesompele (promotor of past first phase, 2019-2024, and partner during second phase), prof. Olivier De Wever, prof. Piet Ost, dr. Bram De Laere, prof. Geert Berx, prof. Kathleen Marchal, Prof. Pieter Mestdagh & Prof. Steven Goossens. Several other CRIG group leaders and teams have been involved in specific collaborations during the first PrIOMiC phase (prof. Tessa Kerre, prof. Lieve Brochez, prof. Niek Sanders, prof. Stefaan De Smedt, Prof. Karim Vermaelen) and/or will be involved in specific collaborations during the coming years (e.g. Prof. Kathleen Claes, ...).

An overview figure of the international partners and collaborating research institutes during the first PrIOMiC phase (2019-2024) can be found via this link. Below, we provide the (current) overview of the international partners and respective institutes for the second phase (2025-2029). Importantly, PrIOMiC is open to new (and previous) partners and partner institutions that can strengthen the network via active collaborations.


PrIOMiC map & partners


On 2 March 2020, the PrIOMiC kick-off symposium took place in Ghent. International and local PrIOMiC partners presented ongoing research and available expertise to the >150 attending CRIG researchers. During additional meet-the-expert sessions, several CRIG teams got involved to start international collaborations. In the context of this meeting, an additional satellite symposium and lab visits were organized to stimulate in-depth interactions between UGent/CRIG teams and international partners. 

On 3-4 May 2023, the second PrIOMiC symposium was organized in Ghent (combined with CRIG’s annual OncoPoint symposium for cancer researchers in Ghent (read more). The 2-day meeting included a mix of presentations by 10 international experts and PrIOMiC partners, as well as selected abstract and poster presentations from numerous CRIG researchers. Next to the meeting itself - which attracted over 250 unique participants - several lab visits and ad hoc meetings were organized between CRIG teams and international partners.

The second phase of the PrIOMiC netwerk (renewal approved by Ghent University in October 2024) will run from 2025 to 2029. During this period, we will again host PrIOMiC symposia for the international partners and CRIG research community. We anticipate to host the next PrIOMiC symposium in Ghent during the first half of 2026. More information will follow.


Mobility grants

By providing mobility grants, the PrIOMiC network stimulates international collaboration, and supports innovative projects that focus on precision oncology, immuno-oncology and/or cancer modeling. The major aim is to support research stays, although educational visits (e.g. to learn best practices) in the scope of the PrIOMiC topics are also possible.

  • Both outgoing mobility grants (visits from UGent researchers to international partner labs/institutes) and incoming mobility grants are possible

  • Applications are open (at any time) for all cancer researchers at CRIG and international PrIOMiC partners

  • Budget (max. 2000-3000 EUR, see guidelines) can only be used to cover travel and accommodation costs

How to apply for a PrIOMiC mobility grant?

  1. Consult the 'Guidelines and regulations on PrIOMiC mobility grants'
  2. Complete the Application form and send in pdf format to CRIG@UGent.be.

We are looking forward to applications and to stimulate fruitful collaborations within the PrIOMiC network. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact CRIG coordinator Dr. Pieter Rondou (CRIG@UGent.be or +32 9 332 24 53).


In this output overview file, you can find an overview of output that was generated in the context of PrIOMiC activities and collaborations between PrIOMiC partners, regarding: 

  • mobility grants
  • joint publications
  • succesfull joint applications for research funding
  • valorization
  • invited speaker seminars

Do you have recent or additional output that is not listed yet? Please let us know.




The PrIOMiC network is an International Thematic Network funded by Ghent University (read more about ITNs via this link).

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