The technology to collect huge amounts of information about tumors is getting cheaper every day. Because of this, research into sorting and analyzing these data – so-called bioinformatics – is extremely important. Very often huge datasets are involved and specialized computer programs are needed to get useful results out of big data collections. Read more about all CRIG research using bioinformatics to investigate cancer below.
Also discover the Bioinformatics Institute Ghent From Nucleotides to Networks (BIG N2N), a center of excellence in state-of-the-art bioinformatical tools and methods with applications in cancer research as well.
CRIG group leaders
Other CRIG members
- dr. Luís Filipe Abreu de Carvalho (MD)
- Rizwan Ahmad
- Muhammad Talal Amin
- Jasper Anckaert
- Yasmine Bader
- Sarah-Lee Bekaert
- Noah Bonine
- dr. Marcel Bühler (PhD)
- Maarten Ciers
- dr. Arne Claeys (PhD)
- dr. Tine Claeys (PhD)
- dr. Annelies Coene (PhD)
- dr. Renaat Coopman (MD, PhD)
- Lotte Cornelli
- dr. Louis Coussement (PhD)
- Catarina Cruz Vaz
- dr. Pieter De Backer (MD, PhD)
- Laurenz De Cock
- Jordy De Coninck
- dr. Bram De Laere (PhD)
- dr. Louise de Schaetzen van Brienen (PhD)
- Mirte De Temmerman
- Felix De Vuyst
- Gaetan De Waele
- dr. Bram De Wilde (MD, PhD)
- dr. Jilke De Wilde (MD)
- Arthur Declercq
- dr. Anneleen Decock (PhD)
- dr. Alexander Decruyenaere (MD)
- dr. Lisa Depestel (PhD)
- dr. Charlotte Derpoorter (PhD)
- dr. Maarten Dhaenens (PhD)
- Bhawna Dixit
- prof. Celine Everaert (PhD)
- dr. Igor Fijalkowski (PhD)
- prof. An Ghysels (PhD)
- Edoardo Giuili
- dr. Tess Goessens (PhD)
- prof. Gerard Bryan Gonzales (PhD)
- Maryam Hassan
- prof. Björn Heindryckx (PhD)
- dr. Lieselot Hemeryck
- Lauren Herron
- Sofie Hoogstoel
- dr. Sam Kint (PhD)
- prof. Lies Lahousse (PhD)
- Jens Loers
- dr. Yiwen Long (MD)
- dr. Siebe Loontiens (PhD)
- Tom Luijts
- Alvaro Marcos Rubio
- prof. Gerben Menschaert (PhD)
- prof. Björn Menten (PhD)
- Peter Merseburger
- Thomas Michiels
- dr. Giles Miclotte (PhD)
- dr. Annelien Morlion (PhD)
- Truong Nguyen
- Seoyeon Oh
- dr. Roger Pero-Gascon (PhD)
- Marija Pizurica
- Franco Alexander Poma Soto
- Hanne Puype
- Elena Ramos Varas
- prof. Niki Rashidian (MD, PhD)
- dr. Kathleen Schoofs (PhD)
- dr. Ruth Seurinck (PhD)
- Cedric Stroobandt
- prof. Olivier Thas (PhD)
- Tamas Trombitas
- dr. Wim Trypsteen (PhD)
- dr. Eufra Van Damme (MD)
- Sofie Van de Velde
- Elias Van De Vijver
- prof. Brent van der Heyden (PhD)
- Bram Van Gaever
- dr. Sofie Van Gassen (PhD)
- Marie Van Hecke
- dr. Mattias Van Heetvelde (PhD)
- prof. Filip Van Nieuwerburg (PhD)
- dr. Ruben Van Paemel (MD, PhD)
- Boris Vandemoortele
- dr. Jan Pieter Vanwelkenhuyzen (PhD)
- Wouter Vervust
- dr. Matthijs Vynck (PhD)
- Vittorio Zanzani
- dr. Kaiyi Zhang (PhD)
(banner: CRIG member Celine Everaert - photography credits: Layla Aerts)