dr. Igor Fijalkowski (PhD)

CRIG member
Igor Fijałkowski


Postdoctoral researcher - Lab for Leukemia Therapy Resistance (Center for Medical Genetics & Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences), Ghent University
Principal investigator: prof. Panos Ntziachristos (PhD)


Research focus

At the Ntziachristos lab I apply my bioinformatic and omics experience to better our understanding of the splicing dysregulation in leukemia. My research focuses on epigenetic and genetic regulatory mechanisms driving cancer. My research focuses on disrupted proteostasis machinery, transcriptional and translational regulation.
I specialize in systems biology and integration of multiple levels of OMICs datasets (chromatin organization and accessibility, mutation screening, proteomics, transcriptomics and translatomics). 


I obtained my PhD in 2016 at the Center of Medical Genetics in Antwerp, where I studied rare bone diseases and worked towards transforming the acquired knowledge into novel treatment strategies for osteoporosis, a disease growing in relevance in aging societies. Since then, I worked as a postdoc in the VIB Center of Medical Biotechnology, the UGent Laboratory of Microbiology and at the University of Heidelberg. My postdoctoral research focused on multi-omics integration, where I utilized transcriptomics, translatomics and proteomics to investigate the mechanisms of translation and to search for novel genomic elements in the unexplored genomic dark matter.

Contact & links

  • Lab address: Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG), Medical Research Building 2 (MRB2), entrance 38, campus UZ Gent, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent, Belgium 
  • Ntziachristos lab
  • Igor Fijalkowski is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks