dr. Kaiyi Zhang (PhD)

CRIG member
Kaiyi Zhang

Postdoctoral fellow, department of Diagnostic Sciences (Faculty of Medicine and Health) 
Principal investigator: prof. Bart Vandekerckhove (MD, PhD) 

Research focus

The lab of Prof. Bart Vandekerckhove identified a novel unconventional T cell lineage (UTC) in the human postnatal thymus and peripheral blood. This innate-like population displays an effector phenotype associated with agonist selection. They have polyclonal TCR repertoire, which may react with many specificities, including self-specificities. One major goal is to identify the specific molecules (TCR ligands) that these cells interact with. We hope to uncover the contribution of this novel UTC lineage to immunity and autoimmunity, which could lead to new therapeutic strategies for cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Contact & links

  • Lab address: campus UZ Gent, MRB2 (entrance 38), Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent
  • LinkedIn 
  • ResearchGate 
  • Kaiyi Zhang is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks