prof. Björn Menten (PhD)

Principal investigator – Lab for Genome Research, Center for Medical Genetics, Department of biomolecular Medicine (UGent)
Associate professor (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UGent)
Lab supervisor Cytogenomics Laboratory Center for Medical Genetics, UZGent
Research focus
Our research group is focused on the development and implementation of new technologies for the identification and stratification of different cancer entities. As such we set up micro-array analysis for fixed and frozen tissue samples, (shallow) Whole Genome Sequencing, exome sequencing and more recently Liquid Biopsy profiling.
While our primary goal was the detection of relevant copy number variants, focus has shifted to include also epigenetic marks for disease stratification.
Research team
- dr. Malaïka Van der linden (PhD) – post-doctoral fellow
- Laurenz De Cock – doctoral fellow
- Bram Van Gaever – doctoral fellow
- Thomas Michiels – doctoral fellow
Key publications
- Application of an Ultrasensitive NGS-Based Blood Test for the Diagnosis of Early-Stage Lung Cancer: Sensitivity, a Hurdle Still Difficult to Overcome. Cancers (Basel), 2022
- Shallow whole-genome sequencing: a useful, easy to apply molecular technique for CNA detection on FFPE tumor tissue-a glioma-driven study. Virchows Archives, 2022
- The feasibility of using liquid biopsies as a complementary assay for copy number aberration profiling in routinely collected paediatric cancer patient samples. European Journal of Cancer, 2022
- Small-scale manufacturing of neoantigen-encoding messenger RNA for early-phase clinical trials. Cytotherapy, 2022
- Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma-a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, molecular genetic and epigenetic study of 12 cases, suggesting a possible relationship with conventional pleomorphic liposarcoma. Modern Pathology, 2021
- Shallow-depth sequencing of cell-free DNA for Hodgkin and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (differential) diagnosis: a standardized approach with underappreciated potential. Haematologica, 2022
- Shallow whole-genome sequencing of plasma cell-free DNA accurately differentiates small from non-small cell lung carcinoma. Genome Medicine, 2020
- Detection of Copy Number Alterations by Shallow Whole-Genome Sequencing of Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tumor Tissue. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 2019
- Circulating cell-free DNA for response evaluation of intravascular lymphoma. Annals of Hematology, 2019
- Targeted Genomic Screen Reveals Focal Long Non-Coding RNA Copy Number Alterations in Cancer Cell Lines. Noncoding RNA 2018
Contact & links
- Lab address: UZ Gent, Medical Research Building 1 (entrance 34), Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
- Center for Medical Genetics Ghent
- Prof Björn Menten is involved in
- Sequencing facility
- BIG N2N - Prof Björn Menten provides specific platforms or services for
- (shallow) Whole Genome sequencing
- Liquid biopsy copy number profiling - Prof Björn Menten is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks