Main navigation
- 'Nature-inspired' drug development
- (3D) in vitro models
- 3-dioxygenase
- 3-MCA
- 3D
- 3D imaging
- 3D migration
- 3D models
- 3D printing
- 4C-seq
- A20
- abdominal surgery
- Abraxane™
- academic clinical trials
- accelerated radiotherapy
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- access to care
- accredited FCM analysis
- aCGH
- AcTaferon
- AcTakine
- actin cytoskeleton
- actionable mutations
- activity-based costing
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
- Acute myeloid leukemia
- adaptive radiotherapy
- adherence
- Adhesion
- adipose tissue
- adjuvants
- adolescent and young adult
- advanced care planning
- ageing
- aggregation
- Aggressive Fibromatosis
- algorithms
- allergy
- alpha-tubulin
- amyloidosis
- anal cancer
- analytics
- anatomical dissection
- androgen deprivation therapy
- anesthesia
- angiogenesis
- angiosarcoma
- animal models
- annual report
- anti-metastatic compounds
- antibody recruitment
- antibody-drug conjugates
- anticancer treatment
- antigen
- antigen presentation
- antimicrobial peptides
- antisense oligonucleotides
- antisense technology
- apc
- Apoptosis
- aptamers
- artificial intelligence
- asparaginase
- assays
- asthma
- ATAC-sequencing
- atypical pleomorphic lipomatous tumor
- AuNP
- AuNPs
- automated quantification
- automation
- autonomy
- autophagy
- azoxymethane
- B cell lymphoma
- B16F10
- Bacteria
- Bacterial Extracellular Vesicles
- bibliotherapy
- big data
- Bimetra
- Binding
- Binding-affinity
- bio-imaging
- bio-informatics
- bioavailability
- biobank
- Biobank initiatives
- bioconjugation
- biodistribution
- biodosimetry
- Biofluids
- bioimmunoengineering
- bioinformatics
- biologics
- bioluminescence
- biomarker
- Biomarker discovery
- biomarker identification
- biomarkers
- biomaterials
- biomedical engineering
- biomedical signal processing
- biomimetics
- biomolecular interactions
- biopharmaceuticals
- biophotonics
- bioprinting
- biosensors
- biostatistics
- biotherapeutics
- biotransport
- bisulfite sequencing
- BiTE
- bladder cancer
- blebbistatin
- Blood tests
- blood-based biomarkers
- blood-brain barrier
- body-fluids
- bone sarcoma
- bone tumor
- brain cancer
- breast cancer
- Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis
- breast reconstruction
- breath hold
- breathomics
- Burkitt lymphoma
- business development
- Busulfan
- butyrate
- CA4P
- cachexia
- cadherins
- caecum
- Cancer assiosiated fibroblast
- cancer cell biology
- cancer cell development
- cancer cell development cancer stem cells
- cancer cell trap
- cancer cell-specific EVs
- cancer disparities
- cancer immunotherapy
- cancer invasion
- cancer metabolism
- Cancer models
- cancer of unknown primary
- cancer predisposition
- cancer progression
- cancer stem cells
- cancer survivorship
- cancer therapy
- cancer type specificity
- cancer vaccination
- cancer-associated fibroblasts
- cancerogenesis
- canine model
- capillary electrophoresis
- capsules
- CAR M cells
- CAR T cells
- Carcinoma
- carcinomatosis
- carcinosarcoma
- care
- care pathway
- caregivers
- cat
- cat model
- cDNA
- cell arrest
- cell culture
- cell death
- cell death mechanisms
- cell dormancy
- cell invasion
- Cell line
- cell migration
- cell printing
- cell sorting
- Cell therapy
- cell-based
- cell-cell communication
- CellMissy
- Cellular bioenergetics
- cellular respiration
- central point of contact
- cervical cancer
- cfDNA
- cfRNA
- checkpoint inhibitors
- chemical synthesis
- chemistry tools
- chemoattractant
- chemoembolization
- chemoresistance
- chemotherapy
- ChemTech
- chimeric antigen receptor
- ChIP-seq
- cholangiocarcinoma
- cholangitis
- cholcones
- chromium
- chronic immune activation
- chronic myeloid leukemia
- chronic pain prevention
- chronic pain treatment
- chrystallography
- circular RNA
- circulating RNA biomarkers
- circulating tumor cells
- circulating tumor markers
- cirrhosis
- Cisplatin
- CITE-seq
- click reactions
- clinical cancer research
- Clinical research
- clinical tissue
- Clinical trial
- clinical trial center
- clinical trials
- CLIP-seq
- clonality
- coating
- Coding
- cohort analysis
- cold air plasma
- colitis
- colitis-associated cancer
- colon cancer
- colorectal
- colorectal carcinogenesis
- combination therapy
- Commissie Oncology
- Commission Oncology
- companion animals
- comparative oncology
- compound screening
- compounds
- computational cytometry
- computational deconvolution
- computational drug design
- computational fluid dynamics
- computational modeling
- computed tomography
- computer modelling
- computer vision
- concentration measurements
- confocal microscopy
- conjugate synthesis
- continuous flow
- contrast imaging
- controlled drug release
- Controlled release
- coordinator
- copy number data
- core facility
- cost-effectiveness
- cost-of-illness
- cost-utility
- covalent trapping
- crawl position
- CRIG members
- crispr
- CRISPR screening
- crosslink
- crystal digital PCR
- Crystal Miner software
- crystallography
- crystallopgraphy
- CT
- CTCs
- Culture collection
- curcuminoids
- custom nanobody
- cutaneous melanoma
- cyclic lipopeptides
- Cyclolipodepsipeptides
- Cytokine
- cytokine therapy
- cytokines
- cytotoxicity
- dasatinib
- data integration
- Data Management
- Data Mining
- data protection
- data sharing
- de novo lipogenesis
- decision-analytic models
- deep generative models
- deep learning
- deep mutational scanning
- deep neural network
- degranulation
- delineation guidelines
- dendritic cell
- dendritic cell therapy
- density gradient
- dermatology
- Dermoscopy
- Desmoid tumor
- desmoid tumors
- detection
- development planning
- diagnosis
- diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in bone and soft tissue tumors
- diagnostics
- dicentric assay
- dietary carcinogens
- differential protein analysis
- differentiation
- diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- diffusion
- digestion metabolites
- digital PCR
- digital tools
- diketopiperazines
- dispersity
- distress
- DNA adductomics
- DNA fragmentation
- DNA methylation
- DNA quantification
- DNA repair
- DNA repair foci
- DNA repair mechanism
- DNA sequencing
- DNA therapeutics
- DNA-sequencer
- doctoral schools
- dog
- dogs
- donations
- dorsal skinfold chamber
- dose calculation
- dosimetry
- dPCR
- driver identification
- Drug conjugation
- drug delivery
- Drug development
- drug discovery
- Drug distribution
- drug repurposing
- drug response
- drug response profiling
- drug screening
- drug sensitivity
- drug targets
- drug testing
- drug toxicity testing
- Drug Transport
- Ductal carcinoma in situ
- dynamic network
- Dynamics
- dysbiosis
- early detection
- early phase clinical trials
- economics
- education
- elderly
- electromagnetic radiation
- Electron microscopy
- electroporation
- elemental imaging
- elemental mapping
- embryonic stem cells
- encapsulation efficiency
- end-of-life care
- end-of-life decisions
- endocrine tumors
- endometrial cancer
- endosomal escape
- endosomes
- enhancers
- environmental pollutants
- environmental stress
- enzyme inhibitors
- epidemiology
- epifluorescence microscopy
- epigenetic
- epigenetics
- Epigenomics
- epilepsy
- Epithelial mesenchymal transition
- Epithelial ovarian cancer
- epitranscriptomics
- equine cancer
- equity in health care
- ER Stress
- esophageal adenocarcinoma
- esophageal cancer
- ethics
- ethnic inequalities
- etiology
- euthanasia
- evidence-based needs assessment
- ex-vivo
- ex-vivo imaging
- exercise science
- exosomal RNA
- Exosomes
- exposome
- expression screen
- Extracellular matrix
- extracellular RNA
- Extracellular Vesicles
- Eye cancer
- familial cancer
- family
- fatigue
- ferroptosis
- fertility preservation
- FFPE samples
- fibrosis
- Flow cytometry
- fluorescence
- fluorescence imaging
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization
- fluorescence life time
- Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy
- fluorescence microscopy
- fluorescence microscpoy
- Fluorescence-in-situ hybridization
- fluorophore
- fluorophores
- foci
- folliculogenesis
- food
- Food - drug interaction
- food safety
- Formulation
- fragment length analysis
- fragment-based X-ray screening
- freeze-drying
- functional assays
- fungal infections
- furan
- G-quadruplex
- gastric cancer
- gastric cancer model
- Gastro-intestinal
- Gastrointestinal
- gene delivery
- gene editing
- gene perturbation
- gene therapy
- gene/protein expression
- genetic literacy
- genetic predisposition
- genetic testing
- genome editing
- genome engineering
- genome-wide
- Genomics
- genotoxicity
- germ free technology
- germline and somatic mutation detection
- glioblastoma
- glioma
- Glucocorticoid receptor
- Glucocorticoid resistance
- Glucocorticoids
- glycan
- glycan analytics
- glyco-engineering
- glycolipid antigens
- Glycomics
- glycosylation
- gnotobiotic mice
- grants
- granzyme
- growth factor
- growth factors
- gut
- gut-liver axis
- gynaecological cancer
- haematopoiesis
- hard-to-reach populations
- HDAC inhibitors
- head & neck cancer
- head cancer
- healt economics
- health care policy
- health economics
- health literacy
- health technology assessment
- Healthy Volunteers
- hearing loss
- Hedgehog signaling
- hemangiosarcoma
- hematology
- hematopoiesis
- hematopoietic stem cell
- Hematopoietic stem cells
- hemine
- Hepatocellular cancer
- hepatocellular carcinogenesis
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- hepatopulmonary syndrome
- hereditary cancer
- heterocycles
- high intensity focused ultrasound
- high performance computing
- High resolution mass spectrometry
- high-content imaging
- high-content screening
- high-throughput screening
- highly accelerated irradiation
- histochemistry
- histology
- histone adductomics
- histones
- Histopathology
- holistic assessment
- homologous recombination
- hormonal treatment
- horse
- Host-microbe interactions
- human biomonitoring
- human liver samples
- Humanized immune system mice
- Humanized mice
- Hybridoma
- hydrogels
- hypericine
- hyperthermia
- hypofractionation
- hypoxia
- i-Motifs
- ICP-mass spectrometry
- image processing
- imaging
- imaging-guided surgery
- imatinib
- immune cell development
- immune reconstitution
- immune recovery
- immune related adverse events
- Immune response
- immune suppression
- immuno-oncology
- Immunoassays
- immunochemotherapy
- Immunoconjugates
- Immunocytokine
- immunodeficiency
- Immunodeficient mice
- immunoediting
- immunogenic cell death
- immunogenicity
- Immunohistochemistry
- immunology
- immunometabolism
- immunomics
- immunomodulators
- immunomonitoring
- immunopeptidomics
- immunophenotyping
- immunospheroids
- immunosuppression
- immunotherapy
- imprinting
- in vitro assay
- in vitro model
- in vitro T cell generation
- in vivo imaging
- in vivo microscopy
- in vivo model
- in vivo optical imaging
- induced pluripotent stem cells
- infectious diseases
- inflammation
- inflammatory bowel disease
- informal caregivers
- inhibitory receptor
- iNKT cells
- iNKT ligands
- innate immune system
- innate immunity
- innovation
- intact protein mass spec
- integrative genomics
- intellectual property
- Interaction trap
- interactions
- interactive data visualization
- Interactomics
- Interferon
- Interferons
- interprofessional cancer care
- interstitial fluid pressure
- intracellular delivery
- Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
- intraperitoneal drug delivery
- intravital microscopy
- invadopodia
- invadosomes
- Invasion
- Invasion analysis
- invasion drug screen
- Iodine-131
- irAE's
- iron metabolism
- isotope ratio
- isotopic composition
- iv
- juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
- Kankercongres
- keratinocytes
- kidney cancer
- kidney perfusion
- kidney transplantation
- kinetic imaging
- Kinetics
- Kom op tegen Kanker
- Koninklijke Academie Geneeskunde
- kydney cancer
- kynurenine
- lab-on-a-chip
- label-free detection
- label-free Raman and IR microscopy and spectroscopy
- laparoscopy
- laparotomy
- large animal
- large animal models
- laser capture microdissection
- leukemia
- leukemic stem cell
- licensing
- lichen sclerosus
- light microscopy
- light scattering
- light-sheet microscopy
- lipid antigens
- lipid metabolism
- lipid nanoparticles
- Lipidomics
- liposarcoma
- liposomes
- liquid biopsies
- liquid biopsy
- liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
- live cell
- live-cell imaging
- liver
- liver cancer
- liver steatosis
- liver transplantation
- lncRNA
- local therapy
- logo
- long non-coding RNA
- long non-coding RNA and microRNA expression
- long read sequencing
- long term exposure
- long-read sequencing
- luminescence
- Luminex
- Lung cancer
- lung cancer model
- lung surfactant
- lymph node irradiation
- lymphatic system
- lymphedema
- lymphoid malignancies
- Lymphoma
- lyophilization
- lysosomes
- machine learning
- macrophages
- MACSima
- magnetic nanoparticles
- magnetic resonance imaging
- malnutrition
- mamalian protein expression
- Mammalian
- mammalian protein expression
- mammary fat pad
- mammography
- mass spectrometry
- mast cell tumor
- mastocytosis
- MBD sequencing
- MDM2
- mechanisms
- mechanistic biology
- medical devices
- medical imaging
- Medicinal chemistry
- medulloblastoma
- Melanocyte
- Melanoma
- meningioma
- mental health care
- mentoring program
- mesenchymal stem cells
- mesothelial-mesenchymal transition
- mesothelioma
- metabolic fingerprint
- metabolism
- Metabolomics
- Metastasis
- Metastasis and the tumor microenvironment
- metastasis-directed therapy
- methyl-CpG-binding domain sequencing
- micro-PET-CT
- microarrays
- microbial metabolites
- microbiome
- Microbiota
- microbubbles
- Microfluidic chip
- micronucleus
- micronucleus assay
- micropeptides
- microplastics
- microreactor
- microRNA
- microscopy
- microspheres
- midostaurin
- migration parameters
- Mineralocorticoid receptor
- mode of action
- modelling and simulation
- models of metastasis
- modular cloning
- molecular cloning
- molecular diagnostics
- molecular diffusion
- molecular dynamics
- molecular modeling
- molecular pathology
- molecular signaling
- motility trapping
- mouse models
- mRNA
- mRNA therapeutics
- mRNA vaccination
- mRNA vaccines
- Mucositis
- multi-omics analysis
- multidisciplinary care
- multiphoton microscopy
- Multiple myeloma
- Multiplex
- mutant clones
- mutation screening
- mutational signatures
- mycotoxins
- myelodysplasia
- myelodysplastic syndrome
- myeloid cells
- myeloid-derived suppressor cells
- N-glycan
- N-glycosylation
- Naica System
- nanobody
- nanoclusters
- nanocomposites
- nanocrystal
- nanodelivery
- nanogel
- nanomagnetism
- nanomedicine
- nanoparticle
- Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
- nanoparticles
- nanoplastics
- nanoscopy
- nanotechnology
- nanowire
- National study coordinator
- natural killer
- natural products
- neck cancer
- necroptosis
- necrosis
- neoantigens
- network analysis
- network inference
- network modelling
- networks
- neuro-cognitive functioning
- neuroblastoma
- neuroendocrine tumors
- neurology
- neurosurgery
- neutrons
- neutropenia
- new chemical entities
- next generation sequencing
- NF-kB
- NK cell
- NKT cells
- NOD/scid/gamma mouse
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- non-coding mutations
- non-coding RNA
- non-viral gene therapy
- NRF2
- NSG in vivo model
- nuclear medicine
- nuclear receptor crosstalk
- nucleic acid
- nucleic acid sensors
- nucleic acids
- nucleoside analogues
- nursing
- nutlin
- nutrigenomics
- nutrition
- obesity
- oesophageal cancer
- Oligometastases
- oligonucleotide synthesis
- oligonucleotides
- omics
- omics data
- oncogenic receptors
- Oncological center
- Oncologisch Centrum
- Oncolunch
- OncoPoint
- oocyte maturation
- oral anticancer drugs
- oral cancer
- ORFeome
- Organic chemistry
- organoids
- organomimetics
- out-licensing
- outcomes research
- Ovarian cancer
- oxygen sensing
- palliative care
- palliative sedation
- pan-cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- PAP smear
- paraganglioma
- PARP inhibitor
- partial nephrectomy
- particles
- partnering issues
- partners
- partnership grants
- patent
- patent management
- pathology
- pathway activity scores
- patient and public involvement
- patient empowerment
- patient experience
- patient participation
- patient reported outcomes
- patient subtyping
- patient treatment
- patient-centered approach
- patient-derived xenografts
- patient-specific
- patient-specific surgery
- pDNA
- pediatric acute myeloid leukemia
- pediatric cancer
- pediatric clinical trials
- Pediatric Coordination Cell
- pediatric leukemia
- pediatric sarcoma
- penile cancer
- Peptide nucleic acids
- peptide synthesis
- peptides discovery
- perforin
- peritoneal carcinomatosis
- peritoneal carcinomatosis peritoneum
- peritoneal metastasis
- peritoneum
- permeability
- Personalized cancer therapy
- personalized medicine
- pharmaceuticals
- pharmaco-epigenetics
- pharmacodynamics
- pharmacogenomics
- pharmacokinetics
- Phase I
- Phenotype-switching
- phenotypic
- pheochromocytoma
- phoshorus
- phosphorus
- photo-electrochemistry
- photoactivity probes
- photodynamic therapy
- photoporation
- photosensitizer
- phototherapy
- physical activity
- Pichia pastoris
- Pig
- plasma biomarker
- plasma proteins
- plasma RNA sequencing
- plasmid
- platinum resistant ovarium cancer
- platinum-induced ototoxicity
- platinum-induced vestibulotoxicity
- pleiotropic treatment effects
- pleomorphic liposarcoma
- point-of-care tests
- polymer therapeutic
- polymer-drug conjugates
- polymers
- Polyphenol
- polyposis syndromes
- population screening
- portal hypertension
- portfolio building
- portopulmonary hypertension
- positional proteomics
- post-mortem tissues
- posttranslational modifications
- Precision medicine
- precision oncology
- preclinical animal models
- prediction
- predictive models
- pregnancy
- prehabilitation
- preop RT
- preoperative planning
- pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy
- prevention
- primary hepatocytes
- primary immune deficiency disease
- Primary xenografts
- prognosis
- prone crawl position
- prone position
- prone radiotherapy
- proportionate universalism
- prostate cancer
- prostate-specific antigen
- prostatectomy
- prosthesis
- protein chemistry
- protein complexes
- protein engineering
- protein identification
- protein language models
- protein modification
- protein purification
- protein quantification
- protein seperation
- protein technology
- protein-DNA conjugates
- protein-ligand binding
- Protein-protein interaction
- Proteoglycans
- proteomics
- proton therapy
- psychology
- psychosociaal oncologisch team
- psychosocial care
- psychosocial research
- public health
- Publications
- pyroptosis
- qPCR
- quality assurance
- quality of life
- quantification
- quantitative metabolite profiling
- quorum sensing
- R&D partnering
- rabbit
- radiation exposure
- radiation necrosis
- radiation-induced DNA damage
- radiation-induced toxicity
- radioembolization
- radiogenomics
- radionuclide therapy
- radiopharmacy
- radiosensitivity
- radiosensitivity assay
- radiosynthesis
- radiotherapy
- rare cell isolation
- rat models
- Rational drug design and QSAR modeling
- RB1
- real-time imaging
- Receptor
- receptor tyrosine kinase
- receptors
- recombinant protein
- recombinant proteins
- reconstruction prostesis
- rectal cancer
- red meat
- Regenerative and neoplastic inflammation
- regulatory affairs
- regulatory network inference
- regulatory networks
- regulatory T cells
- rehabilitation
- renal cell carcinogenesis
- replicative stress
- repurposing
- research & innovation management
- respiratory impedance model
- retinoblastoma
- Reverse Genetics
- Reverse-transcriptase
- rhabdomyosarcoma
- ribo-seq
- risk assessment
- RNA delivery
- RNA quality
- RNA quantification
- RNA sequencing
- RNA therapeutics
- RNA-protein interactions
- robotic surgery
- salivary gland toxicity
- salivary gland tumors
- sample disruption
- sample preparation
- Sapphire chip
- sarcoid
- Sarcoma
- sarcomagenesis
- scaffolds
- science communication
- screening
- screening tool development
- secondary cancer
- secretary
- Selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator
- Selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator SEGRM
- Self Amplifying mRNA
- self-assembling structures
- self-management
- self-sampling
- sentinal lymph nodes
- sequencing
- sequencing library size analysis
- SGM3
- shallow whole genome sequencing
- sheep
- shRNA
- Signal transduction
- signaling
- single cancer cell
- single cell
- single cell analysis
- single cell epigenomics
- single cell proteomics
- Single cell transcriptomics
- Single Particle Tracking
- singlet oxygen
- siRNA
- siRNA screening
- size
- size and density based separation
- size-based chromatography
- sizing
- SK-N-BE(2c)
- Skin cancer
- skin cancer imaging
- skin cancer model
- Skin cancer prevention
- sleep
- slug
- small animal imaging
- Small molecules
- small-molecule drugs
- snai1
- social inequalities
- social network
- soft tissue sarcoma
- somatic variant calling
- spatial biology
- spatial epigenomics
- spatial genomics
- spatial omics
- spatial proteogenomics
- spatial proteomics
- spatial transcriptomics
- spectroscopy
- spin-off creation
- spinning disk microscopy
- splicing
- spontaneous cancer
- squamous cell carcinoma
- stability
- statistical inference
- statistics
- STED microscopy
- Stem cell angiogenesis
- stem cell differentiation
- stem cell transplantation
- stem cells
- structural biology
- subcellular
- subtyping
- Super-Resolution Microscopy
- supportive care
- surface-guided radiotherapy
- surgery
- sustainability
- swallowing
- symptom clusters
- synthesis
- synthethic biology
- synthetic biology
- synthetic chemistry
- synthetic data
- synthetic lethality
- synthetic methodology
- synthetic mRNA
- systems biology
- T cell differentiation
- T cell immunotherapy
- T cell receptor
- T cell therapy
- T cells
- T lymphocyte
- T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- targeted drug delivery
- targeted protein degradation
- Targeted therapy
- Targeting
- TCR transgenic T cells
- technology & business development
- technology development
- technology transfer
- telomerase inhibition
- telomere biology
- terminal illness
- testicular cancer
- the cancer genome atlas
- theranostics
- therapeutic drug monitoring
- therapeutic enzymes
- therapeutic monitoring
- Therapeutic target identification
- therapy resistance
- therapy response
- therapy response prediction
- therapy-induced menopause
- thermal proteome profiling
- thermodynamics
- thymus
- thymus seeding precursors
- thyroid cancer
- time lapse microscopy
- tinnitus
- tissue clearing
- tissue engineering
- Tissue Lyser
- tissue printing
- tissue spheroids
- tissue-leakage proteins
- TLR agonists
- trace elements
- tracer
- tracking
- trajectory inference
- transarterial therapy
- Transcriptional Regulation
- transcriptomics
- transcriptomics
- transgenerational
- Transgenic Mouse models
- translational medicine
- Translational Oncology Unit
- translatomics
- transposable elements
- Triple negative breast cancer
- tumor antigen
- tumor biobank
- tumor biomimics
- tumor cell vaccine
- tumor classification
- tumor ecosystem
- tumor engineering
- tumor evolution
- Tumor heterogeneity
- Tumor hypoxia
- Tumor immunology
- Tumor immunology and immunotherapy
- Tumor initiation and progression
- tumor load
- Tumor metabolism
- Tumor microenvironment
- tumor penetration
- tumor spheroid
- tumor targeted delivery
- tumor-associated macrophages
- tumor-draining lymph node
- tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
- tumour prophylactic vaccination model
- twist
- Two-hybrid
- tyrosine kinase inhibitors
- ubiquitination
- ultrasound
- ultrasound contrast agents
- unfolded protein response
- urinalysis
- urinary biomarkers
- urokinase plasminogen activator
- urology
- urothelial cancer
- uterine cancer
- UV/Vis absorbance
- v
- vaccination
- vaccine
- vaginal cancer
- vapor nanobubbles
- vascular corrosion casting
- vascular disruptive agent
- vascularisation
- vesicle trafficking
- veterinary oncology
- virally induced cancer
- virtual surgical planning
- virus-induced cancer
- virus-induced leukemia
- virus-induced lymphoma
- virus-like particles
- volatile organic compounds
- vulvar cancer
- whole transcriptome sequencing
- whole-breast irradiation
- Wilms tumor
- Wnt signaling
- wound healing
- xenograft
- xenograft and orthotopic carcinogen-induced models
- Xenopus
- Xenopus tropicalis
- xerostomia
- yeast
- ZEB1
- ZEB1/2
- Zeb2
- zebrafish