Overview of cancer research within CRIG


500+ researchers from 80+ research groups at UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent

More than 70 CRIG group leaders heading their own research team constitute the core of 'Cancer Research Institute Ghent' and meet internal criteria regarding focus and output on cancer research. In addition, more than 300 CRIG members - from different research groups with specific expertise, and with different profiles (professors, clinicians, pre- and post-doctoral fellows, assistents, ...) - define the multidisciplinary nature and inclusive character of CRIG.

Covering fundamental, translational and clinical cancer research

From synthesis and delivery of anti-cancer drugs, over cancer cell profiling and imaging, in vitro and in vivo model systems, up to clinical cancer research.
Cancer research at CRIG covers the whole spectrum from bench to bedside.

Multidisciplinary research: different cancer types across expertise domains

Collaboration across a wide spectrum of cancer types and expertise domains represents the multidisciplinary character of CRIG.
This type of research is accelerated by sharing expertise, technological platforms and resources.

Below, we provide an overview of different cancer types and different research domains that are covered by specific CRIG reearch teams. For a more in-depth overview of platforms, equipment, technologies and models available at CRIG, we refer to the 'Expertise' section on this website.


Different cancer types

Here, you can find an overview of different cancer types that are studied within CRIG. Per cancer type, you can discover the research that is performed by CRIG group leaders and members. 



Different research domains

CRIG researchs groups have a wide variety of expertises, and focus on different research domains that are relevant in cancer research. Cancer research is accelerated by joining forces and cross-fertilization between different disciplines. Per discipline, you can discover the research that is performed by CRIG group leaders and members. 


(banner photography credits: Kimberly Verniers, CRIG member)