CRIG researchers are connected to a broad network of partners and stakeholders to join forces in cancer research
Our 600+ researchers from diverse research domains form the beating heart of 'Cancer Research Institute Ghent'.
To join forces in cancer research, CRIG also connects to a broad network of internal partners (CRIG subnetworks, Kankercentrum and clinical departments at UZ Gent, core facilities at UGent/VIB, ...) and external partners (international research institutes, foundations, industrial partners, ...).
Internal partners
CRIG subnetworks
Under the umbrella of CRIG, several subnetworks are active. These subnetworks join forces on specific expertise domains, including sarcoma research (ConSarGhent), immuno-oncology (ION), psychosocial oncology & survivorship (REPOS), veterinary oncology (VON).
Core facilities and services (at UGent/VIB)
Both Ghent University and VIB have dedicated core facilities and service partners that provide services for several stakeholders, including cancer research teams at CRIG and their projects. Below, we provide a (non-limitative) list of core facilities that frequently collaborate with cancer research teams in Ghent.
Kankercentrum & clinical departments at UZ Gent
Our Ghent University Hospital (UZ Gent) has a specialized cancer center (Kankercentrum), where patients with common cancers as well as complex and rare cancers are treated and supported by a multidisciplinary team. CRIG and Kankercentrum join forces in cancer research & care, respectively. Furthermore, CRIG collaborates with several partners and departments at UZ Gent, focusing the collection of cancer patient samples (biobank), early phase clinical trials (DRUG unit), molecular diagnostics (MDG), 'health, innovation and research' (HIRUZ), and the patient advisory board for scientific research (PAWO).
Affiliated research consortia
CRIG is a research consortium with a specific focus on cancer. Next to CRIG, also other research consortia are active in Ghent, focusing on different specific domains. We strive for maximal collaborations between the different consortia, as different research domains can cross-fertilize each other, and we can share forces. As such, CRIG regularly collaborates with our colleagues from:
- Cross-Health (platform focusing on new technologies for applications in multiple species)
- GATE (consortium focusing on advanced therapies and cell, gene & tissue engineering)
- GGIG (Ghent Gut Inflammation Group, focusing on diverse aspects of gastrointestinal biology during health and disease)
- HINT.GENT (Health Intelligence Network Gent, focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health)
External partners
International research institutes
CRIG interacts with different international research institutes to share knowledge and to create opportunities for collaborations
In this context, CRIG has established an International Thematic Network (funded by UGent) on 'Precision oncology, Immuno-Oncology and Modeling in Cancer', called ‘PrIOMiC’. Through the PrIOMiC network, CRIG teams collaborate with experts from several renowned cancer research institutes. Partnerships are facilitated via meetings, mobility grants and joint activities. Next to the PrIOMiC network, also other international collaborations in oncology are in place.
The support from the Foundation Fournier-Majoie has been absolutely key to establish and start up CRIG. Kinderkankerfonds vzw provides direct support to children with cancer, but also finances cancer research projects and has a strategic partnership with CRIG to support 'young-investigator proof-of-concept projects' on pediatric oncology. On the level of the individual CRIG research teams, substantial and essential financial support for cancer research projects is obtained from different foundations, including FWO (Fund for Scientific Research), Stichting tegen Kanker, Kom op tegen Kanker, Foundation MeToYou, the Anticancer Fund, and many other organizations.
Industrial partners
By stimulating collaboration between academic groups and industrial partners, CRIG aims to facilitate innovative valorization projects. Such collaborations are crucial to eventually translate new research discoveries into concrete products and new and better treatments for cancer patients.
Join our network
Become a CRIG group leader or CRIG member
We welcome all UGent, UZ Gent, VIB-UGent researchers that are involved in cancer research!
Join our network, and:
- stay informed on cancer research and funding opportunities in Ghent (and beyond)
- participate to CRIG events (symposia, lectures, Doctoral Schools course, networking events, ...)
- make your research and team visible for other researchers via a profile on our website
- get in touch with other researchers, find complementary expertise, and start new collaborations.
To become a CRIG group leader or member, contact CRIG coordinator dr. Pieter Rondou (, +32 9 332 24 53)
Join as an associate or external partner
Let's join forces and accelerate research. Interested to discuss how we can collaborate?
Contact CRIG coordinator dr. Pieter Rondou (, +32 9 332 24 53)
Join as an industrial partner
Get access as a company to our state-of-the-art cancer research institute and get involved in CRIG projects, innovative research & valorization initiatives.
Contact dr. Cristina Pintucci (, +32 487 787045), project manager of the CRIG Business Unit: