Kidney cancer
Kidney cancer is the result of uncontrollable growth in the tubules of the kidney or, less frequently, in cells that cover the inner side of the ureter. Kidney cancer can also occur in children, although it is much rarer than in adults, and is then called Wilms’ tumor. Read more about all CRIG research into kidney cancer below.
CRIG group leaders
Other CRIG members
- Muhammad Talal Amin
- Yasmine Bader
- Arne Christiaens
- dr. Pieter De Backer (MD, PhD)
- dr. Daan De Maeseneer (MD)
- dr. Alexander Decruyenaere (MD)
- dr. Lucas Deseins (MD)
- dr. Tess Goessens (PhD)
- Adelheid Hollebosch
- Anne Muyllaert
- Truong Nguyen
- dr. Mathieu Spaas (MD)
- Molly Staelens
- dr. Eufra Van Damme (MD)
- dr. Joris Vangeneugden (MD)
- dr. Tijl Vermassen (PhD)
- Saar Vermijs
- dr. Mieke Waterschoot (MD)