
BIOMARKED is the Ghent University business unit assisting researchers in translation of pre-clinical translational biomarker research towards opportunities for Pharma/Biotech companies in developing diagnostics and targeted therapies in the field of oncology, HIV and ageing diseases. Specific focus of BIOMARKED is on the most innovative technology platforms for the identification, validation of novel and more accurate biomarkers for risk stratification, early diagnosis and prediction of therapy, bioinformatic pipelines and databases, new diagnostic methods and pre-clinical validation models.

BIOMARKED activities focus on scouting/protection of valorisation opportunities, de-risking diagnostic and early targeted therapy projects, networking towards stronger collaboration between pharma/biotech companies and UGent, facilitation of bilateral collaborations, licensing and setting up spinouts.


BIOMARKED members:

Contact and links

  • dr. Daisy Flamez
  • Universiteit Gent - Ghent University, Coupure Links 653 Blok A 032, 9000 Gent, Belgium
  • Office ++32 92649912
  • Mobile ++32 477447110