REPOS (Research and Expertise Group for Psychosocial Oncology and Survivorship)

REPOS is a collaboration between researchers from Ghent University and the Cancer Center of Ghent University Hospital. The consortium bridges the gap between science and practice.
Read more (in Dutch) on the REPOS webpage.
- Bringing together researchers and healthcare providers from Ghent University and Ghent University Hospital to prevent fragmentation of research, knowledge and expertise.
- Sharing expertise to achieve faster progress in research and practice.
- Shaping and strengthening interdisciplinary research together with healthcare providers and researchers.
- Bridging the gap between research (UGent) and practice (UZ Gent).
- Increasing the visibility of Ghent University and University Hospital research within this research domain.
Specific aims
REPOS wants to improve patient care before, during and after cancer treatment through research and training.
- Increasing knowledge about the impact of cancer and cancer treatments on the well-being of patients and their loved ones.
- Identifying which interventions can improve patients' well-being.
- Develop strategies to develop the competencies of healthcare providers in oncology and strengthen their well-being.
- Translating research results into clinical practice (= implementation research)
Research projects
Within REPOS, several research projects are initiated and running, amongst others concerning following topics:
- Care needs and quality of life
- Apps and digital health
- Empowerment and self-management (support)
- Rehabilitation and pre-rehabilitation
- Competence development of healthcare providers
- Organization of care
For a detailed and up to date overview, we refer to the REPOS webpage
News & activity
Of note, a project on 'setting research priorities in psychosocial oncology' was awarded in the context of CRIG's partnership grants 2022 (read more in our news item on the CRIG partnerhsip grants and the laureates).
What researchers, patients, relatives and healthcare providers find important in research is not always consistent. With the above CRIG partnership project, the REPOS team will ensure that research in the future is better tailored to the needs of patients, relatives and healthcare providers. This makes it easier to use the results in practice.
Read more on the project and news via this link
Team & contact
The REPOS team is coordinated by:
- Dr. Elke Rammant (postdoctoral researcher UGent)
- Prof. Ann Van Hecke (professor at Universitair centrum voor verpleeg- en vroedkunde (UCVV) UGent & UZ Gent, staff Verpleegkundig Expertisecentrum)
The other REPOS team members are:
- Prof. Karen Geboes (digestive oncology UZ Gent, coordinator Kankercentrum UZ Gent)
- Prof. Tessa Kerre (hematology UZ Gent)
- Michiel Daem (nursing specialist oncology)
- Dr. Renée Bultijnck (postdoc researcher)
- An Lievrouw (clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, team responsble psychologists at Kankercentrum UZ Gent)
- Prof. Lise-Marie Kinnaer (doctor-assistant at UCVV)
- Prof. Geert Crombez (professor psychology at UGent)
- Prof. Katrien Vanthomme (professor cancer epidemiology at UGent)
- Dr. Eva Pape (nursing specialist digestive oncology at UZ Gent)
As most members are also part of the CRIG network, the link to the respective CRIG profiles is included. More detailed information on their specific expertise in the context of REPOS is provided on the REPOS webpage
Interest in the REPOS network or questions? Contact the REPOS coordinators via or