Health, innovation and research institute (HIRUZ)


website of HIRUZ

The Health, innovation and research institute is a leading knowledge and expertise centre for translational 
biomedical research and innovation with a multidisciplinary management and a broad local, national 
and international network of Ghent University Hospital (UZ Gent) in collaboration with Ghent University 


  • Scientific: Development of a progressive and leading institute and knowledge center for translational biomedical / health research and innovation with an active cooperative network and a broad locoregional, national and international image.

  • Society: To help develop high-quality clinical research and innovative projects with a focus on patient-oriented, personalized medicine, socio-economic valorisation and sustainable health care.

  • Connecting: The goal is that UGent (the faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences) and UZ Gent, as entities and employees as individuals, benefit directly or indirectly from it









  • Ghent University Hospital - 1K5 (entrance 81, route 812), Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent, +32 (0)9 332 05 30