dr. Eva Pape (PhD)

CRIG member
Eva Pape

Clinical Nurse Specialist digestive oncology & doctoral fellow at UZ Gent
Principal investigator: Prof. Yves Van Nieuwenhove (MD, PhD) and prof. Gabrielle van Ramshorst (MD, PhD)


Research focus

Research focused on cancer survivorship with a special focus on colorectal cancer. She has expertise in qualitative research, implementation research and patient and public involvement (PPI) in research. 


  • 2013: Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery. 
  • 2010: postgraduate wound care and stoma therapy
  • 2013: Postgraduate oncology 
  • 2022 Doctor in Health Sciences 
  • Working as a clinical nurse specialist digestive oncology and researcher at Ghent University hospital (special interest in rectal cancer and pelvic exenteration)
  • Chair of the research working group cancer center Ghent University Hospital
  • Memberships : 
    1) Executive board member VVRO (Flemish association of oncology and radiotherapy nurses)
    2) Executive board member BVVS (Belgian society of clinical nurse specialists) + chair of the research working group
    3) European organization of nursing oncology: member of the research working group and young cancer nurses
    4) Member European academy for nursing science  

Societal outreach


cancer survivorship - quality of life - bowel problems after rectal cancer surgery - nurse-led care models –patient and public involvement in research

Experience & expertise:

  • Qualitative research
  • Implementation research
  • Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research
  • Exploring needs and experiences of patients with major low anterior resection syndrome and their informal caregiver

Current & future plans:

Research focusing on colorectal cancer and colorectal survivorship

Relevant stakeholder connections:

Direct connections with 'Talk Blue Vlaanderen', involved in postgraduate training, collaboration with Cédric Hèle institute

Key publications

  • Impact of low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) on the quality of life and treatment options of LARS–A cross sectional study. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 50, 101878. (2021)
  • Experiences and needs of patients with rectal cancer confronted with bowel problems after stoma reversal: A systematic review and thematic-synthesis. Eur J Oncol Nurs 54, 102018. (2021)
  • The trajectory of hope and loneliness in rectal cancer survivors with major low anterior resection syndrome: A qualitative study. Eur J Oncol Nurs. 56, 102088. (2022)
  • Information and counselling needs of patients with major low anterior resection syndrome: A qualitative study. J Clin Nurs. (2022)
  • Interprofessional perspectives on care for patients with low anterior resection syndrome: a qualitative study. Colorectal Dis. (2022)
  • Experiences and needs of partners as informal caregivers of patients with major low anterior resection syndrome: A qualitative study. Eur J Oncol Nurs, 102143. (2022)

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