Research projects from CRIG teams funded by FWO (results 2024)


FWO Vlaanderen published the results of the application round 2024 for research projects . An overview of all funded projects in 2024 can be found on the website of FWO via this link. Earlier this year, we published a news item on the CRIG teams that were succesful in obtaining FWO-SBO project funding (read more).

Congratulations to all CRIG researchers (from UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent) that were awarded by FWO for an oncology-related project in the categories ‘junior’, ‘senior’, ‘Kom op tegen Kanker’ and 'bilateral research projects' (with Sao Paolo and China):


  • Prof. Charlotte Debbaut (& Prof. Peter Vanlangenhove & Prof. Brent van der Heyden) - 'An innovative CFD-based dosimetry and therapy planning platform to support personalized transarterial therapies for liver cancer' (651 000 EUR)
  • Prof. Heleen Demeyer (UGent) (& Chris Burtin (Uhasselt), Els Wauters & Stephanie Everaerts (KULeuven)) - 'Time to get lung cancer survivors moving and help alleviate cancer-related fatigue' (463 605 EUR for UGent + 461 105 EUR for UHasselt + 385 105 EUR for KULeuven)


  • Prof. Richard Hoogenboom (& Anna Kaczmarek) - 'Hybrid inorganic - temperature responsive polymer platforms for theranostic applications' (580 000 EUR)
  • (no direct oncology focus, but applications in cell therapy: Prof. Tom Taghon - 'Intrathymic differentiation of immature thymocytes into non-T cell types during human fetal and early postnatal development' (730 000 EUR))
  • Prof. Jo Vandesompele (& Prof. Bram De Wilde & Prof. Tom Van Maerken) - 'Study of cellular heterogeneity induced by targeted therapies in neuroblastoma using spatial transcriptome analysis and liquid biopsies' (557 800 EUR)
  • Prof. Jimmy Van den Eynden (& Prof. Jo Vandesompele) - 'Spatial mapping of mutant clones to understand the role of interclonal competition in human tumorigenesis.' (574 100 EUR)
  • Prof. Isabel Van Driessche (& Prof. Christian Vanhove) - 'Dual-modality nanocrystals for lymphatic and intravenous in vivo imaging' (628 650 EUR)
  • Prof. Lars Vereecke (UGent) (& Elisabeth Letellier (Univ. Luxemburg)) - 'Study of microbe-host interactions during development and treatment of colon cancer' (522 852 EUR for UGent + 57 600 EUR for Univ. Luxemburg)

Bilateral research projects with State São Paulo (Brazil)

  • Prof. Lars Vereecke (UGent) (with Luciana Paulino from Brazil)) - 'Functional study of the Yanomami microbiota: Investigating its impact on immunity and colorectal cancer development' (244 500 EUR for UGent)

Bilateral research projects with China

  • Prof. Bruno de Geest (UGent) (with Haijun Yu from China) - 'Selective Elimination of Senescent Tumor Cells for Enhanced Radio-immunotherapy with BRD4-Degrading Protein-Conjugated PROTAC Prodrugs' (255 000 EUR for UGent)

