dr. Renée Bultijnck (PhD)

CRIG member
Renée Bultijnck

Postdoctoral researcher Department of Radiotherapy and Experimental Cancer Research, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University Belgium 
(Principal Investigator: prof. Piet Ost)


Research focus

Our research team focuses on the role of rehabilitation interventions (e.g. exercise, nutrition, psychosocial care, medical screenings) in men with prostate cancer and the development and implementation of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in trials and clinical practice. 
More specifically, we are engaged in the following research studies. 

  • A patient-reported outcome eHealth system in men with metastatic prostate cancer: A qualitative pilot study 
  • TACTIC project: Tailored Activity during and after treatment In Cancer patients
  • Moving Through Cancer: A Proposed Framework of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Pathways to Guide Clinical Practice
  • PK-PEP: implementatie en evaluatie van een online home-based gezondheidsbevorderend patiënt empowerment programma voor mannen met prostaatkanker 
  • Development and validation of QOL questionnaire in prostate cancer 

Furthermore, I am also involved as a quality of life expert in several EORTC QLG studies and international multicentric (clinical) trials. 


  • Postdoctoral researcher, Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and health sciences, Department of Radiotherapy and Experimental Cancer Research (2022-current)
  • PhD Fellowship of Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and health sciences, Department of Radiotherapy and Experimental Cancer Research (2017-2022) 
  • PhD Fellowship, Sydney University, Survivorship Research Group and Centre for Medical Psychology & Evidence-based Decision-making (2019-2020
  • Scientific assistant, Ghent University, Faculty of Medicine and health sciences, Department of Radiotherapy and Experimental Cancer Research (2014-2017) 
  • Master of Science in Health Education and Health Promotion at Ghent University (2012-2014)
  • Bachelor in nutrition and dietetics at the college of higher education Ghent (2009-2012) 

Key publications

  • Exercise prescription dose for castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients: a phase I prescription dose escalation trial. World journal of urology. 2021;39(2):357-64.
  • Clinical pathway improves implementation of evidence-based strategies for the management of androgen deprivation therapy-induced side effects in men with prostate cancer. BJU international. 2018;121(4):610-8.
  • A trial-based cost-utility analysis of metastasis-directed therapy for oligorecurrent prostate cancer. Cancers. 2020;12(1):132.

Contact & links

  • Lab address: Department of Radiotherapy and Experimental Cancer Research, Corneel Heymanslaan 10; B-9000 Gent
  • X (former Twitter)
  • Researchgate 
  • ORCID   
  • Member of REPOS (Research and Expertise Group for Psychosocial Oncology and Survivorship)
  • Renée Bultijnck is interested to receive invitation for presentations or talks