Invited speakers on the iBOF project “deregulated mRNA transcription and protein translation in leukemic transformation”

In the context of the 5th iBOF consortium meeting on 'deregulated mRNA transcription and protein translation in leukemic transformation', the organizers proudly present the program below, amongts others with invited presentations by international experts Dr. John D. Crispino and Prof. Aristotelis Tsirigos!
- 13h00-14h00: “Understanding how GATA1 mutations simultaneously promote megakaryocytic leukemia and congenital anemia”, John D. Crispino (St. Jude, US)
-14h00-14h30: “Translatome analysis of cancer associated ribosomal protein mutations”, Marino Caruso (KULeuven)
-14h30-15h00: Coffee break
-15h00-16h00: “Exploring the 3D chromatin landscape using data integration and in silico genetic screening”, Aristotelis Tsirigos (NYU, US)
-16h00-16h30: “Characterization of Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT)-orchestrated
molecular mechanisms in T-cell acute leukemia”, Laura Guerrero (UGent/CRIG)
-16h30-17h00: “Functional characterisation of the role of Kdm6b(Jmjd3) in immature leukemia”, Cristina Borin (UGent/CRIG)