prof. dr. Bram De Wilde (MD, PhD)
CRIG member

Senior clinical investigator- OncoRNALab, Center for Medical Genetics (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UGent)
Pediatric oncologist - Paediatric Hematology and Oncology (UZ Gent)
Research team
- dr. Liselot M. Mus (PhD) - TEARDRoP Oncology Coordinator & NB PDX manager
- Noah Bonine - doctoral fellow
- Hanne Van Droogenbroeck - doctoral fellow (promotors : prof. Jo Vandesompele, prof. Tom Van Maerken)
- dr. Deyna Keppens (MD) - doctoral fellow
Contact & links
- UZ Gent, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 3K12D
- Member of the Consortium for Sarcoma Research Ghent (ConSaRGhent)
- Google scholar