Kankercongres 2021 - 'Kanker, van onderzoek tot hoop' (online event)

All info and registration via www.kankercongres.com


What is 'Kankercongres'?

After the success of the last years, a new edition of our symposium on cancer is organized. Because of the corona-crisis, we do not organize a physical event this year, but we provide a safe yet attractive alternative in the form of an shorter, online event that is free of charge for everybody that wants to join! Experts (including CRIG researchers!) bring a clear overview of the latest (technological) innovations in cancer research and treatment. You can also ask all your questions in the meet-the-expert sessions on breast cancer, colon cancer, cancer research and clinical studies, and innovations in patient care. In the final panel debate, relevant questions on ethical aspects concerning innovations in cancer research and treatment are discussed. Via live polls and a chatbox for questions of participants, we ensure an interactive and accessible event. And all of this in a professional setting (live streaming from a studio).

All information and registration via www.kankercongres.com .


Target audience?

The aim is to inform a broad target audience of professionals, researchers, patients and their relatives, students, and anyone that has interest in the topic. The experts will give clear and informative presentations (in Dutch). Everyone is able to follow.



Kankercongres 2021 is an initiative of ‘Cancer Research Institute Ghent’ and ‘Kankercentrum UZ Gent’ ,‘Beautiful After Breast Cancer’ , ‘Stop Darmkanker’ , en the ‘Center for Oncological Research ’ (UAntwerpen).



Revive the edition of 2019 via the photo collection or watch the aftermovie below