dr. Sofie Mylle (MD)

PhD student – dermatology research unit (UZ Gent)
ASO dermato-venereology – Dermatology department (UZ Gent)
Principal investigators: prof. Lieve Brochez (MD, PhD) and prof. Verhaeghe
Research focus
Skin cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers, inflicting a high burden on health systems in developed countries. Optimal prevention strategies are key to decrease disease burden and cost.
Secondary prevention focuses on early detection of skin cancer. Surveillance in high-risk patients is standard of care. Although screening in the general population is considered not cost-effective early detection of skin cancer in the general population remains a challenge. The research group has a track record on skin cancer health economics and prevention strategies.
This research focuses on optimalization of skin cancer detection and diagnostics by:
- Installation of a lesion-directed screening by means of early-access consultation
- Distant lesion-directed screening by means of teledermatology
- Co-development and clinical validation of new devices for skin cancer diagnostics
- Testing and clinical validation of tools (e.g. apps) to assist the general population in preselecting lesions
- Exploration and clinical validation of artificial intelligence for skin cancer diagnostics
Collaboration with Barco, IDLab (imec) and IPI (Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group).
During my medical training, I developed a special interest in dermatology with the focus on skin malignancies and its management. During my final year, I was introduced to the scientific side of medicine by following the scientific training course which motivated me to start my PhD at the department of dermatology after my graduation in 2018. Combining this PhD with a residency in dermatology enables me to experience shortcomings in real life, facilitating the progress of our projects. Furthermore, it’s a bonus to experience the immediate effect of our interferences in practice on the patient.
Contact & links
- Lab address: campus UZ Gent, Dermatology Research Unit, Medical Research Building 2, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
- networks or associated centers: IPI (Image Processing and Interpretation Research Group) and IDlab (imec)
- Sofie Mylle is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks