CRIG's International Thematic Network 'PrIOMiC' kick-off symposium
With support from Ghent University, CRIG established an International Thematic Network (ITN) on 'Precision oncology, Immuno-Oncology and Modeling in Cancer', called ‘PrIOMiC’. The aim of the PrIOMiC network is to stimulate interaction and collaboration between CRIG and international experts from renowned cancer research institutes on these themes. Through this network, we aim to build long-term partnerships and to promote excellent research, education & societal impact. The PrIOMiC network is open to all cancer researchers in Ghent. Read more about PrIOMiC and its activities and opportunities.
On 2 March 2020, we officially launch our PrIOMiC network with a kick-off symposium. This one-day symposium will provide a forum to top researchers from our internationally renowned partner institutes to present their state-of-the-art research and expertise. We welcome all interested cancer researchers and students to this symposium to learn from and interact with experts in the field, and to get inspired to start international collaborations.
- Plenary sessions (9:00 - 16:30) on the PrIOMiC themes. Top researchers from our international partner institutes (as well as CRIG experts) will give a lecture on their research and expertise.
- The program also includes a 'meet the international partners' session (16:30 - 17:30), where you will be able to interact with the individual speakers at different tables.
- Networking and interaction with the partners and other researchers is also possible during coffee breaks, lunch and a closing networking reception.
Registration deadline 17 Feb
- Click here to register for the event.
- There is no admission fee, but registration is obligatory!
- We welcome all interested (cancer) researchers, students or collaborators from UGent, UZ Gent or VIB-UGent.
- Remark: there is no call for abstracts or poster presentations - the program will feature the PrIOMiC partners as invited speakers, a meet-the-expert session, and networking opportunities during lunch, breaks and the reception.
Het Pand (UGent) - Onderbergen, Gent
The PrIOMiC network is an International Thematic Network funded by Ghent University (read more about ITNs via this link).