prof. Ruslan Dmitriev (PhD)

principal investigator – Tissue engineering and Biomaterials Group, Department of Human Structure and Repair (UGent)
member – Ghent Gut Inflammation Group (GGIG)
promotor Ghent Light Microscopy Core (GLiM)
Research focus
Our primary focus is to understand the role of cell metabolism in the regulation of the balance between the cell fate decisions in health and disease, in a 3D context. We employ 3D tissue models (spheroids, organoids and bioprints), advanced biosensors and multi-parameter fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM).
By doing this, we aim at addressing the general challenges of microscopy-assisted tissue engineering, choosing the most appropriate matrices and producing physiologically relevant ‘tissue-on-a-chip’ platforms minimising the need for animal experimentation.
We develop and combine innovative biosensor-based approaches to visualize stem cell niche metabolism, oxygenation and cellular temperature (via nanothermometry) in intestinal and neural organoids, bone progenitor and tumour spheroids, and related microtissue models ex vivo and in vivo.
Current lines of research include:
- O2 and cell metabolism
- Imaging-assisted engineering of neural organoids for address rare genetic neurodevelopmental disorders
- Multi-parameter assessment physiological function in spheroids, bioprinted microtissues and in vivo
- New tools for dynamic imaging of epithelial organoids
We are happy to share our materials (biosensor probes), expertise in O2, hypoxia, cellular nanothermometry and cell metabolism studies and your experiments in biofabrication and 3D (but also with 4D-5D) cell culture models.
We have ongoing collaborations with Medical Genetics UGent (Prof. S. Vergult), Polymer Biomaterials Group Ghent (PBM) in the development of innovative biomaterials, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research (LECR), Ghent Additive Manufacturing Platform AUGENT and internationally, thanks to funding from BOF, FWO and European Commission Horizon grants, such as FLIMagin3D.
Our expertise is also shared through participation in Ghent Light Microscopy Core (promotor), CRIG, GGIG and GATE consortia activities.
Research team
- dr. Irina Okkelman (PhD) – post-doctoral fellow
- Michael Vaughan – researcher
- Angela Debruyne – doctoral fellow
- Nore Van Loon – doctoral fellow
- Gabriele Ferrari – doctoral fellow
- Johanna Aernoudt
- Magali Meul
- Michele Cervellera – doctoral fellow
- Hang Zhou – doctoral fellow
Key publications
- Luminescence lifetime imaging of three-dimensional biological objects. Journal of Cell Science 2021, 134(9):1-17.
- MISpheroID: a knowledgebase and transparency tool for minimum information in spheroid identity. Nature Methods 2021, 18 (11):1294-1303.
- Probing organoid metabolism using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM): The next frontier of drug discovery and disease understanding. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2023, 201:115081.
- Balance between the cell viability and death in 3D. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 2023, 144:55-66.
- Bright and Photostable TADF-Emitting Zirconium(IV) Pyridinedipyrrolide Complexes: Efficient Dyes for Decay Time-Based Temperature Sensing and Imaging. Advanced Optical Materials 2023, n/a(n/a):2202720.
- DMT1-dependent endosome-mitochondria interactions regulate mitochondrial iron translocation and metastatic outgrowth. Oncogene 2024.
- Live Microscopy of Multicellular Spheroids with the Multimodal Near-Infrared Nanoparticles Reveals Differences in Oxygenation Gradients. ACS Nano 2024, 18(19):12168-12186.
- Tunable Self-Referenced Molecular Thermometers via Manipulation of Dual Emission in Platinum(II) Pyridinedipyrrolide Complexes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024.
Contact & links
- Lab address: Tissue engineering and Biomaterials Lab, Department of Human structure and repair, Ghent University, UZ Gent campus, The Core, ingang 37a, C. Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent, Belgium
- Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Group
- X (former Twitter)
- Lab blog
- Google Scholar
- prof. Ruslan Dmitriev and his team provides services for tissue engineering facility: cell culture, imaging and bioprinting services
- prof. Ruslan Dmitriev is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks