CRIG 'young investigator proof-of-concept projects’: laureates 7th call
CRIG provides research grants for young (postdoctoral) cancer researchers at CRIG to initiate potentially high-risk and innovative cancer research projects. Thanks to the money raised during ‘De Warmste Week’ (more info), we are able to increase our project funding with 50% and thus support more projects in 2020!
In this 7th call, following postdocs were awarded, and have started their project this month:
dr. Eric de Bony de Lavergne – ‘A high-throughput CRISPR interference platform for the systematic identification of checkpoint inhibition response modulating long non-coding RNAs’ (promotor of the grant: prof. Pieter Mestdagh)
dr. Bieke Decaesteker – ‘The functional role of the highly conserved long noncoding RNA SILC1 in neuroblastoma development’ (promotor of the grant: prof. Frank Speleman
dr. Sarah Deville – ‘Direct phenotyping of extracellular vesicle subpopulations in blood plasma of breast cancer patients using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation’ (promotor of the grant: prof. An Hendrix)
dr. Martijn Risseeuw – ‘CBFβ depletion using a proteolysis targeting chimaera strategy, an alternative strategy against RUNX/CBFβ driven leukemia’ (promotor of the grant: prof. Pieter Van Vlierberghe)
dr. Rein Verbeke – ‘Exploring the mucosal delivery route for lipid nanoparticles co-loaded with mRNA and α-GalCer to induce lung-resident memory T cells’ (promotor of the grant: prof. Stefaan De Smedt)
Despite high quality of submitted projects, unfortunately only top-ranked applications were granted. The next call for these YIPOC projects will be launched during summer this year.