Foundation ME TO YOU

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The foundation ME TO YOU engages to support specific research projects to stop leukemia and related types of bone marrow and blood disorders. In addition, the foundation supports leukemia patients of all ages and provides information for the broad public.

  • Leukemia is no longer a disease that certainly leads to a fatal ending. During recent years, considerable progress has been made, but the research programs that give hope become increasing expensive. Several of the research programs would never become visible without private support. ME TO YOU aims to provide a permanent support. Together strong in research!
  • To support leukemia patients. Via diverse projects for support and additional treatments, ME TO YOU wants to contribute to an optimal quality of life of leukemia patients and to give them the feeling that they belong as a person and an individual in the first place. Together strong for the patient!

Via CRIG, the foundation ME TO YOU wants to announce its mission and funding opportunities for research projects. The foundation already awarded a research project to a CRIG researcher, prof. Steven Goossens, to perform research on immunotherapy for acute T-cell leukemia: read more about this project...


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