'Radiotherapy and the immune system' - HSR Research Symposium

The third HSR (UGent Department of Human Structure and Repair) Research Symposium will provide a comprehensive overview of research on radiotherapy and the link with the immune system (in oncology).


17:30 → Introduction by prof. Liv Veldeman
17:40 → Dr. Fernanda Herrera (via live stream): "Mobilizing anti-tumor immunity with low dose irradiation"
18:10 → Prof. Dmitri Krysko: "Immunogenic cancer cell death – a new approach in cancer therapy"
18:25 → Simon Sioen: "Comparison of biological effects after exposure to X-rays, used in different clinical settings" 
18:40 → Dr. Mathieu Spaas: "Immuno-radiotherapy in solid tumors: results of the randomized phase 2 CHEERS trial"
18:55 → Dr. Nora Sundahl: “Combining radiotherapy with immunotherapy: current clinical results and future perspectives"
19:10 → Conclusion 

  • Registration
  • Venue: UZ campus; auditorium A. If the applicable corona measures won't allow this, all subscribers will be invited to participate via MS Teams.
  • Contact Department of Human Structure and Repair : onderzoek.shm@UGent.be