OncoPoint symposium 2024
OncoPoint's aim is to provide a common interface to meet fellow cancer researchers from Ghent and discuss research, exchange information, and start collaborations. Cancer researchers from UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent will present their latest work to each other via selected abstracts presentations, pitch presentations and poster presentations. The program will also feature invited (keynote) lectures and several other items (see further).
This 10th edition of OncoPoint is organized by CRIG in collaboration with Kankercentrum UZ Gent (and with support of CRIG's International Thematic Network 'PrIOMiC'.)
There is no admission fee for OncoPoint, but registration is obligatory and restricted to UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent collaborators (no external researchers). Accreditation will be requested.
View the final program
The program features amongst other following items:
- keynote lecture by Prof. Claus Garbe (Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen - short biography) on "Neoadjuvant immunotherapy for melanoma (from translational research insights to clinical implementation"
- selected abstract presentations (15'), pitch presentations (2') in storm sessions, poster presentations
- meet the ERC Consolidator Grant laureates & presentations by CRIG grant laureates
- company pitches & booths
- meet-the-editor pitch presentation
- platform & technology sharing session
- 'Pieter Van Vlierberghe Award' for best paper in oncology
- networking opportunities during breaks and closing reception (catering is provided)
During the plenary sessions in the morning, several cancer research disciplines will be covered. Parallel sessions in the afternoon will focus on (1) fundamental & translational research, and (2) clinical, psychosocial & nursing cancer research.
Registration & abstracts
Registration (deadline 15 April 2024):
- Registration is free of charge but obligatory! OncoPoint is only accessible for UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent collaborators.
- Indicate whether or not you will submit an abstract (+ preference for selected abstract and/or storm session/poster presentation, see further)
- Indicate whether you will join the reception afterwards
Abstract submission (deadline 20 March 2024):
- We welcome abstracts on any topic or discipline in cancer research (fundamental, translational, clinical, psychosocial, nursing, ...)
- After registration, please submit your abstract (Word file) by email to CRIG@UGent.be (in cc: Anna.Rose@UGent.be)
- Please consult your co-authors on possible intellectual property issues.
- Abstract text should be no more than 250 words, written in English
- Follow the format as indicated in following example
- Your abstract can be selected for a short oral presentation (15') and/or storm session (2')/poster presentation (depending on your preference).
- Only part of the submitted abstracts will be selected for 15' or 2' presentation during the meeting (due to time limitations). However, all researchers that submit an abstract (except for those selected for a 15' presentation), will be able to present their work via a poster presentation.
- There will be several awards for best abstract, best pitch and best poster presentations.
Sint-Pietersabdij (Sint-Pietersplein 9, Gent) - link to Google Maps
We invite companies to sponsor OncoPoint and get visibility in return! Please contact CRIG coordinator Dr. Pieter Rondou (CRIG@UGent.be) for sponsoring opportunities and the sponsor packages.
We thank the sponsors of OncoPoint 2024!
Previous editions
Read more about the initiation of OncoPoint in an interview from 2014 in the UZ letters magazine
Programs from previous editions of OncoPoint:
- 2012
- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
- (during the pandemic in 2020 & 2021, 3 shorter online editions were organized as an alternative: OncoDot1, OncoDot2 and OncoDot3)
- 2022
- 2023 (PrIOMiC-OncoPoint symposium)