OncoPoint 2018
OncoPoint's aim is to provide a common interface and substrate to meet fellow cancer researchers and discuss, exchange information, and start collaborations.
Basic, translational and clinical cancer researchers from CRIG (Ghent University, UGent-VIB and Ghent University Hospital) will present their latest work to each other.
In addition, we welcome high impact speakers to our program. There is no admission fee for OncoPoint, but registration is obligatory and restricted to UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent collaborators (no external researchers).
This 6th edition of OncoPoint will be organized by CRIG, in collaboration with ION Ghent (Immuno-Oncology Network Ghent) and the CEDAR-IC network (Cell Death Activity Regulation in Inflammation and Cancer). Part of this years program will focus on immuno-oncology.
See the final program here.
We look forward to an exciting program with top invited speakers:
- prof. Pierre Coulie (de Duve Institute, UCL)
- prof. Jo Van Ginderachter (VIB Inflammation Research Center, VUB)
- dr. Robert W. Wilkinson (Director of Oncology Research at MedImmune, Cambridge, UK) - view short biography
- dr. Peter Coopman (Institute of Cancer Research of Montpellier)
In addition, both short oral presentations (15') and storm session presentations (2') are selected from the abstracts submitted by CRIG (UGent, UZ, VIB-UGent) researchers. Also a poster session will be organized to increase interaction between researchers. Awards will be given for best presentations in all three categories.
Registration & Abstracts
Registration (extended deadline February 14, 2018):
- Click here to register for the event (no admission fee, but registration is obligatory! only for UGent, UZ Gent and VIB-UGent collaborators)
- Indicate whether or not you will submit an abstract (+ preference for short oral and/or storm session/poster presentation, see further)
Abstract submission (deadline January 31, 2018):
- After registration, please submit your abstract (Word file) by email to CRIG@UGent.be (in cc: Wendy.DeRycke@UGent.be)
- Please consult your co-authors on possible intellectual property issues.
- Abstract text should be no more than 250 words, written in English
- Follow the format as indicated in following example
- Your abstract can be selected for a short oral presentation (15') or storm session presentation (2') (depending on your preference).
- Only part of the submitted abstracts will be selected for 15' or 2' presentation during the meeting (due to time limitations). However, all researchers that submit an abstract (except for those selected for a 15' presentation), will be able to present their work in a poster session. There will also be an award for the best poster.
Het Pand (UGent) - Onderbergen, Gent
We thank the sponsors of OncoPoint 2018! View the sponsoring companies.