Day of Science (Dag van de Wetenschap) - lectures & podcasts

On Sunday November 22th, the Day of Science (Dag van de Wetenschap) - in Dutch -  takes place! During this event, you get the chance to look ONLINE behind the scenes of companies, universities, museums and research institutes. 


  • In one of the sessions, CRIG member Gaëlle Vanbutsele will give a lecture on the impact of reading aloud on cancer patients and on the experiences of the readers aloud (doctors and physiotherapists to be UZ Ghent).
    'Warme Zorg: Samen sterke verhalen lezen!'
    Interested? More info via this link.
  • In another session, CRIG group leader prof. Tessa Kerre answers these questions in clear language:  Does immunotherapy offer new hope for cancer patients? Or is immunotherapy an overblown hype?
    'Immunotherapie voor kanker: hype of hoop'
    Interested? More info via this link.
  • CRIG member Heleen Dewitte will talk about how she felt intellectually challenged by a group of children and how you can become a better scientist by maintaining a childishly naive view of the world.
    'Ik twijfel dus ik ben'
    Interested? More info via this link.
  • Het Centrum voor Medische Genetica Gent (CMGG - The Center for Medical Genetics Ghent) virtually opens its doors. This way you can learn more about changes in our genetic material, which can be the cause of rare and also more frequent diseases, such as cancer.
    'Van (DN)A tot Z(ebravis)'
    Interested? More info via this link.
  • Have a blind date with Laetitia Cicchelero and discover how animals and people can help each other with health problems. Through a lot of examples, you will discover how human and animal health are linked and how we can learn from each other. For example, the progress in cancer research through dogs.
    'BLIND DATE: Dieren leren ons meer dan fabels!'
    Interested? More info via this link.