dr. Nele Loret (MD, PhD)

Post-doctoral researcher - PI: prof. Steven Goossens (PhD)
Gynaecologist – AZ Sint-Elisabeth Zottegem - UZ Gent
Research focus
Nele Loret is a gynaecologist with specific interest in the pathobiology of breast- and ovarian cancer. After completing her doctoral research on ovarian cancer, she now focuses her research activities around novel treatment strategies in breast and ovarian cancer.
After graduating as a medical doctor in 2014, Nele Loret specialized in gynaecology and obstetrics. After two years of clinical training, she started her doctoral research on cellular plasticity and therapy resistance in ovarian cancer, using state-of-the-art techniques such as single cell RNA sequencing. This resulted in a PhD at Ghent University in 2021 (Promotors: Prof. Geert Berx, Prof. Philippe Tummers, Prof. Bart Lambrecht). She graduated as a gynaecologist in 2023 and completed a fellowship in oncoplastic breast surgery in Paris (Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, University Paris-Saclay and The Paris Breast Center). She combines a clinical career in AZ Sint-Elisabeth Zottegem with a research position in the group of Prof. Steven Goossens, in collaboration with the breast clinic of Ghent University Hospital.
Contact & links
- Address:
.MRBII, C. Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Gent
.AZ Sint-Elisabeth Zottegem, Godveerdegemstraat 69,
9620 Zottegem