dr. Michaël Henrotte (MD)

Doctoral Fellow – Head and Neck Surgery Research Group (Department of Head and Skin, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University)
Specialty Registrar – Department of Head and Neck Surgery (Ghent University Hospital)
Principal Investigators: prof. Wouter Huvenne (MD, PhD) and prof. Christian Vanhove (PhD)
Research focus
Despite recent advances in surgical, radiotherapeutic and systemic medical therapies, prognosis of patients with late-stage, metastatic or relapsed head and neck squamous cell or thyroid carcinoma remains poor. Some key issues in the management of these patients are (micro)metastatic disease control, and predicting response to systemic therapies. Utilising and mapping molecular tumour cell biology and physiology, histopathological tests and metabolic imaging (such as positron emission tomography with radiotracers) help in identifying and stratifying patients accordingly, yet, to date, lack the required sensitivity and specificity to do so accurately. My clinical research is mainly focused on the evaluation and optimisation of established and novel radiotracers in nuclear medicine for diagnostic, prognostic and theranostic management of patients with relapsed or metastatic carcinoma of thyroid or head and neck. Additionally, I am involved in preclinical evaluation of the use of radiopharmaceuticals for systemic radiation therapy as novel treatment option in murine models for head and neck and thyroid cancer.
Contact & links
- Lab address: Ghent University Hospital, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 2P1–P2, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
- ResearchGate
- Michaël Henrotte is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks