Brecht Soulliaert

Doctoral fellow – OncoRNALab, Department of Biomolecular Medicine, Center for Medical Genetics Ghent (CMGG), UGent
Principal investigator: prof. Jo Vandesompele (PhD)
Research focus
Neuroblastoma, an embryonic tumor arising from precursor cells of the sympathetic nervous system, is the most common extracranial solid tumor in children and is responsible for 15% of childhood cancer-related deaths. Neuroblastomas are characterized by highly heterogeneous clinical behavior, ranging from spontaneous regression to aggressive metastatic disease. In high-risk neuroblastoma patients, the five-year survival rate is only 50%. The limited efficacy of current treatment methods and their high toxicity highlight the need for improved or new (targeted) therapies.
My research focusses on two targeted therapies for neuroblastoma that warrant further molecular characterization of the tumor’s response: idasanutlin and dinutuximab. By using spatial transcriptomics, a technique that enables single-cell molecular characterization at the transcriptional level while preserving 2D positional information of the tumor cells in their micro-environment, I aim to explore how tumor and stromal cells react to targeted therapy in relation to their spatial location. Additionally, I will make use of liquid biopsies to assess its value in capturing tumor response to therapy.
Having a good understanding of how different cell types evolve during disease course and respond to treatment is important since it is known that even a small number of non-responding cells may cause a relapse. How tumor, stromal and immune cells react to treatment in relation to their spatial location has not been assessed before in neuroblastoma and is of fundamental importance.
Contact & links
- Lab address:
- Postal and laboratory address: Medical Research Building 1 (MRB1, entrance 34)
- Office address: The Core, third floor, room 130.006 (entrance 37a) - OncoRNALab
- Center for Medical Genetics Ghent
- Brecht Soulliaert is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks