Isabel Vlerick

PhD-student - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University Centre for Nursing and Midwifery - UGent
PhD-student - Nursing Department - UZGent
Principal investigator: prof. Ann Van Hecke (PhD)
Research focus
My research focuses on the development, implementation and evaluation of a mentoring program for oncology nurse navigators (NL = Verpleegkundig consulent) and Clinical Nursing Specialists (NL = Verpleegkundig specialist) in oncology/hematology.
Research shows that these nurse expert roles feel difficulties to integrate their role in existing interprofessional teams. The lack of a clear role definition, the (positive or negative) team climate in interprofessional teams and (the lack of) coaching and direction, are influencing factors in the implementation of their roles. Both in the interprofessional team and in the broader organization, there is a need for mentoring of the ONN and CNS in oncology/hematology.
Together with several partners, we will develop a Flemish mentoring program for the ONN and CNS in oncology and hematology. This mentoring program focuses not only on developing and integrating their roles and responsibilities, but it also wants to involve other interprofessional team members such as physicians, nursing staff, oncopsychologists, and executives such as healthcare managers and head nurses. In this way, we hope to familiarize each interprofessional team member and manager with the roles of an ONN and/or CNS and with what their added value can be to the interprofessional team.
- 2010: Bachelor in Nursing
- 2012: Postgraduate oncology
- 2022: Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery.
- Working as a PhD-student at Ghent University and Ghent University hospital (special interest in oncology nursing, education and mentorship of expert nursing roles )
- Executive board member VVRO (Flemish association of oncology and radiotherapy nurses) + chair of VOOK working group (cancer education in nursing)
- Member BVVS (Belgian society of clinical nurse specialists)
- Member European Oncology Nursing Society
Key publications
- Dynamics and processes influencing role integration of advanced practice nurses and nurse navigators in oncology teams. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2023, (PMID: 36634592)
- Dynamics and processes influencing role integration of advanced practice nurses and nurse navigators in oncology teams. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2023, 62
- Characteristics and effectiveness of mentoring programmes for specialized and advanced practice nurses : a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nurcing, 2024
Contact & links
- Lab address: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University Centre for Nursing and Midwifery - UGent; entrance 42, 5th floor; Corneel Heymanslaan 10; 9000 Gent
- Isabel Vlerick is involved in the University Centre for Nursing and Midwifery (UGent) : this centre has a mission of teaching, research and scientific and social service of nursing, mental health nursing and midwifery in Flanders, nationally and internationally
- Isabel Vlerick is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks