Lotte van Kuijk (DVM)

Veterinarian with a focus on Oncology, Soft Tissue Surgery and Palliative Care
AAP Skillslab (Faculty Veterinary Medicine, UGent)
Member and Budget Committee of European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC)
Research focus
About 1 in 3 dogs and cats will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. Sometimes cancer in pets is curable, sometimes not. Many veterinarians or pet owners do not know what is possible today as a possible treatment and correlate the word 'cancer' with a short term 'euthanasia'.
It is actually possible in many cases to change the 'death sentence' for your pet to the term 'chronic disease' with which the animal can live for months or years, provided that the quality of life and enjoyment for your animal and his/her owner are preserved.
In 2005 I graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Merelbeke (Ugent) as veterinarian for companion animals and in 2007 I started working with veterinary oncologist Johan de Vos in Terneuzen (Netherlands) till 2019. As a result, I have built up years of experience in the treatment of dogs and cats with cancer.
In January 2021 I completed the Certificate Program in Soft Tissue Surgery at the ESAVS and I started working at Dierenkliniek Kapellebrug and Dierenkliniek Ijzendijke to further expand the oncology possibilities here.
In addition to my work in clinical practice, I am teaching clinical and communication skills to students of Veterinary Medicine at the Skillslab in Merelbeke (Ugent) since February 2020 and I also focus on palliative care, end-of-life care and euthanasia of companion animals by supervising several students who are writing their master's theses about these subjects.
Furthermore, I have been organizing with great pleasure and together with other members of the SDK (cooperating veterinary cancer centers) the annual international congress for veterinarians ‘ONCOlogisch Treffen' in Soesterberg since 2007, till 2022.
I am board member of the Dutch Cancer Fund for Animals (NKFD) since December 2018, since 2007 a member (and since 2016 budget committee) of the European veterinary oncology association ESVONC. And since 2021 member of the VON-CRIG network at the University of Ghent
Key publications
- Peri‐articular Histiocytic Sarcoma and Previous Joint Disease in Bernese Mountain Dogs, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2013, PMID: 23458888
- Treatment of multicentric or cranial mediastinal high-grade T-cell lymphoma in dogs with a first-line CCNU-L(-chlorambucil)-CHOP protocol, Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2016
Contact & links
- Informatie over honden met kanker
- European Society of Veterinary Oncology
- Oncologisch Treffen
- Nederlands Kankerfonds voor Dieren
- Lotte Beirens - van Kuijk is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks