Amelie Vander Cruyssen

CRIG member
Amélie Vander Cruyssen

Doctoral fellow - Laboratory Experimental Cancer Research – Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University 
Principal Investigator: prof. An Hendrix (PhD)


Research focus

Bacteria release bacterial extracellular vesicles (BEV), which are nanometer-sized membrane particles transporting nucleic acids, metabolites, proteins and endotoxins. Recently, my host lab pioneered the discovery of gut-derived BEV in the blood circulation of patients with a disrupted intestinal barrier (including cancer patients and HIV patients) (Tulkens et al., Gut, 2020).
During my PhD, I will explore BEV traits in human body fluids, namely stool and blood samples, to gain unprecedented insights in the biology and function of BEV within their natural context.


I obtained a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences summa cum laude (in 2021) at Ghent University, Belgium. In October 2021, I started my PhD under supervision of Prof. An Hendrix at the Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research (LECR) at UGent. 

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