'Evolution and system-scale nature of metabolism' - Lecture

'Evolution and system-scale nature of metabolism', a lecture by Prof. Dr. Markus Ralser from the Institute of Biochemistry at the Charité University Medicine (Berlin, Germany):

  • When: This seminar will take place on Monday, March 11 at 3 pm
  • Where: the seminar room (L5) of  FSVM2
  • More information about this seminar and the speaker: see flyer
  • Host: Prof. Kris Gevaert

Life runs on many thousands of different chemical reactions, known collectively as cell metabolism. Metabolic reactions are vital for keeping cells and organisms growing and alive, and problems with cellular metabolism are implicated in ageing and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and brain disorders. Rather than thinking about cell metabolism as a collection of individual reactions, we are working to understand metabolism as a dynamic, interconnected network of processes that adapts in response to changes and stresses in the environment, and that evolves and functions as an entity.

In this lecture, I’ll summarize our efforts of conducting hundreds to thousands of analytical measurements at both proteome and metabolome, allowing us to study how these complex metabolic processes are controlled, and how they are reconfigured in response to environmental changes. By taking detailed precision measurements of the genes and molecules involved in metabolic processes and putting the data into computation analysis, we can trace how the cell’s metabolism adapts and changes in response to various stresses and strains. I'll also present some recent results on how we use 'functional proteomics' to reconstruct cellular networks and to identify missing gene function.