Renewal of 'PrIOMiC', CRIG's International Thematic Network on cancer (2025-2029)
We are happy to announce the renewal of CRIG's international thematic network ‘PrIOMiC’ has been approved by Ghent University and will be funded for the next 5-year period!
Since 2019, CRIG’s international thematic network on cancer ‘PrIOMiC’ aims to strengthen Ghent University’s own capacity and to stimulate collaboration with an international network of experts on 'Precision oncology, Immuno-Oncology, and Modeling in Cancer'. The PrIOMiC network will now be extended and funded for a second (and last) 5-year term (from beginning of 2025 to end of 2029). All information regarding the network and its international partners, main activities and output can be found on the PrIOMiC webpage.
The granted funding by UGent is modest (30 K EUR/year during 2025-2029) but allows us to organize symposia and invited speaker seminars, mobility between partners and mobility grants, (limited) coordination costs, and other efforts to support and promote the network. Importantly, PrIOMiC is open to new partners and partner institutions that can strengthen the network via active collaborations.
Mobility grants for short research stays
Since its start, PrIOMiC installed an open, continuous call to provide mobility grants for short research stays, to stimulate international collaboration between partners. In the first term (2019-2024), over 30 mobility grants have been supported by PrIOMiC (co-)funding, and we will continue this initiative the coming years. Bi-directional mobility is allowed: both CRIG/UGent researchers visiting international partners and hosting international researchers/partners in Ghent. CRIG researchers can make use of these mobility grants to stimulate collaboration within our PrIOMiC network. All info and application guidelines (note: specific conditions apply!) can be found on the PrIOMiC webpage.
Other activities
We anticipate to organize a 2-day symposium (PrIOMiC-OncoPoint symposium) in the first half of 2026 for CRIG teams/researchers and international partners. Furthermore, the PrIOMiC network aims to create opportunities for international collaboration through invited speaker seminars, joint research projects, joint applications for research funding, and other activities to promote the network.