'SportYves tegen Kanker' 2024 - sporty fundraiser for CRIG!

In 2018, 'SportYves tegen Kanker' was founded as a sporty fundraising event by the family and friends of Yves De Lausnay who died of stomach cancer. Meanwhile, the initiative has grown into a warm event in hounour of all families who are confronted with cancer under the motto #IedereenZijnYves.

On Saturday June 22, the organizers welcome you to their summer bar 'AperitYves tegen Kanker' where you can have a drink and bite while enjoying the performance of 'Cincloon'. At 9 pm, they will broadcast the European Championship match between Belgium and Romania on big screen. On Sunday June 23, the sports event itself takes place, and you can run, walk or cycle for charity, all around the sports hall of Destelbergen.

We are extremely honoured that the proceeds of the whole weekend go entirely to CRIG, and therefore would like to call on as many researchers and CRIG supporters as possible to join the event to show our gratitude! 

For the CRIG researchers: As we would like to be visible on the event, we can provide a CRIG sports shirt to CRIG researchers who subscribe to one of the sporty activities. Also, as we think it would be nice to meet some fellow CRIG researchers at the event, we’ve made a Google sheet in which you can indicate which activity you have subscribed for, around what time you plan to go, and what size of sports shirt you would like. Also summer bar visitors can indicate their presence in this sheet. 

All info (in Dutch) and subscription via their website.
