dr. Lander Heyerick (MD)

Doctoral fellow - Gut-Liver Immunopharmacology unit, Department of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, Fac. Medicine and Health Science, Ghent University
Doctoral fellow – Liver Research Center Ghent, Ghent University, Ghent University Hospital
Resident Gastroenterology & Hepatology – Ghent University Hospital
Principal investigators: prof. Lindsey Devisscher (PhD) & prof. Hans Van Vlierberghe (MD, PhD)
Research focus
Various chronic liver diseases are immune-mediated, meaning that dysregulated immune responses play a critical role in the development and progression of these diseases. Our research group has a specific interest in the identification of new pathological immune cell populations in chronic liver disease and how they contribute to disease. In my project, I specifically focus on immune dysregulation in the context of cholestatic liver disease and liver cancer.
Lander Heyerick is a resident in training in gastroenterology and hepatology and doctoral researcher at the Gut-Liver Immunopharmacology unit and the Liver Research Center Ghent. His main research focus is in cholestatic liver disease.
Contact & links
- Lab address: Gut-Liver ImmunoPharmacology unit, Department Basic and Applied Medical Sciences, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, entrance 36, 9000 Ghent
- Linkedin