dr. Kristyna Kolouchova (PhD)
Post-doctoral researcher - Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials Group, Centre of Macromolecular Chemistry, UGent
Principal investigator: prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe (PhD)
Research focus
Monitoring the degradation of biomaterial in vivo is challenging, hindering their development and their implementation into medical practice. So far, most biodegradation data originate solely from ex vivo destructive examinations in animals, which provides data only within a limited time frame, is costly, and cannot be applied to clinical practice. Therefore, our research focuses on finding the most efficient approach to incorporate a diagnostic modality into various types of biomaterials for clinical applications, such as smart drug delivery systems, wound healing materials, or materials for tissue engineering. The incorporation of this diagnostic modality enables us to evaluate these materials in vivo, enhancing our comprehension of the developed systems and thus accelerating their research. In addition to cancer treatment research, we are implementing stimuli responsive materials for control drug release, and developing novel in vitro and in vivo cancer models, to be able to test our drug delivery systems.
In 2020, Kristyna Kolouchova obtained her Ph.D. from Charles University in Prague. Following her Ph.D., she was awarded the FWO junior postdoctoral fellowship at Ghent University. She has authored or co-authored 20 high- impact research articles, with an h- index of 8 and over 220 citations to her name.
Contact & links
- Lab address: Krijgslaan 281, S4Bis, 9000 Gent
- PBM group research team
- ResearchGate
- Kristyna Kolouchova is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks