prof. Jolanda van Hengel (PhD)

CRIG member
Jolanda Van Hengel

Associate professor (Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UGent)
Principal investigator - Lab for medical stem cell biology


Research focus

Functional cardiomyocytes can be efficiently derived from human pluripotent stem cells, which collectively include embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Specific affected biological pathways involved in disease can be functionally studied in differentiated cells at a single patient resolution and identify genetic and phenotypic correlations. 

In our research group, this cardiomyocyte platform presents opportunities
1.  to understand complex congenital cardiovascular disorders and
2. for development of pharmacologically relevant in vitro screens to detect cardiac toxicity.
Cardiac toxicity is an unfortunate side effect of several drug compounds increasing the risk for morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, discontinuation of approval or withdrawal of these drugs for clinical use imposes financial drawbacks to pharmaceutical companies. To improve drug performance and reduce costs for drug development, cellular methods that screen for cardiotoxic effects early in the discovery process are available in my group.

In the past I studied the molecular cell biology of cell-cell adhesion proteins and their associated anchoring and signaling proteins in several organs and tumor models.

Research team

  • Nina Heymans - assistant
  • Natasja Van den Vreken - technician

Contact & links

  • Lab address: Campus UZ Gent, C. Heymanslaan 10, The Core, 
    ingang 37a9000 Gent, Belgium
  • Medical Cell Biology Group
  • prof. Van Hengel is interested to receive invitations for presentations or talks