prof. Ignaas Devisch (PhD)

CRIG member
Ignaas Devisch

Department of Public Health and Primary Care - PME (Philosophy of Medicine & Ethics)

Research team

  • Greet Vanhoutte - doctoral fellow

Societal outreach


philosophy of medicine & ethics 

Experience & expertise:

You can contact me for all ethical and psychosocial questions. 
I have lots of experience with public debates, campaigns, … You can find a short overview on my website 

Relevant stakeholder connections:

Direct contacts with: the Flemish Patients Platform  ('Vlaams Patiëntenplatform')/King Baudouin Foundation ('Koning Boudewijnstichting')/'De Maakbare Mens'


  • PME (Philosophy of Medicine and Ethics)
    Department of Public Health and Primary Care – Ghent University 
    Campus UZ Gent, entrance 42, 6K3
    Corneel Heymanslaan 10
    9000 Gent – Belgium