prof. Evelien Wynendaele (PhD)

Principal investigator – Drug Quality and Registration Group (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UGent)
Member of Steering Committee Translational Research in Immunosenescence, Gerontology and Geriatrics (TRIGG)
Research focus
Peptides are biologically active molecules, that are involved in cancer. As such, they can be used as biomarkers but also as theranostics.
Two examples from our group highlight the role of peptides in cancer:
1. Quorum sensing peptides, produced by microorganisms including our microbiome, have been demonstrated i.a. to promote metastasis. Hence, this group of bacterial molecules is also an explanatory factor in the host-microbiome interaction.
2. Cryptic peptides, derived from proteins (e.g. human growth hormone), can be used as novel lead molecules to target cancer cells.
Next to our interest in peptides, we are experienced in establishing quality specifications and analytics of investigational and marketed medicines used in oncology, e.g. asparaginase.
Of note, our team is also involved in the Ghent University Expertise Centre MSsmall (mass spectrometry analysis of small organic molecules), and is a GMP (EU recognized) laboratory for quality evaluation of medicines.
Moreover, DruQuaR is also part of the TRIGG steering group, together with scientists and clinicians from Ghent University Hospital.
Finally, we have experience in ADME in rodents (incl. BBB study) and transdermal/mucosal diffusion experiments (Franz cells using human skin and porcine oral mucosa).
Key publications
- Wynendaele E., Debunne N., Janssens Y., De Spiegeleer A., Verbeke F., Tack L., Van Welden S., Goossens E., Knappe D., Hoffmann R., Van De Wiele C., Laukens D., Van Eenoo P., Vereecke L., Van Immerseel F., De Wever O., De Spiegeleer B. (2022). The quorum sensing peptide EntF* promotes colorectal cancer metastasis in mice: a new factor in the host-microbiome interaction. BMC BIOLOGY, doi: 10.1186/s12915-022-01317-z.
- Jackman J.A., Costa V.V., Park S., Real A.L.C.V., Park J.H., Cardozo P.L., Ferhan A.R., Olmo I.G., Moreira T.P., Bambirra J.L., Queiroz V.F., Queiroz-Junior C.M., Foureaux G., Souza D.G., Ribeiro F.M., Yoon B.K., Wynendaele E., De Spiegeleer B., Teixeira M.M., Cho N-J. (2018). Therapeutic treatment of Zika virus infection using a brain-penetrating antiviral peptide. NATURE MATERIALS, 17, 971-977.
- Wynendaele E., Verbeke F., D’Hondt M., Hendrix A., Van De Wiele C., Burvenich C., Peremans K., De Wever O., Bracke M., De Spiegeleer B. (2015). Crosstalk between the microbiome and cancer cells by quorum sensing peptides. Peptides, doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2014.12.009. (IF=2.614, rank 103/256, times cited=45).
Contact & links
- Lab address: DruQuaR, Faculty Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ottergemse steenweg 460, B-9000 Gent.
- DruQuaR laboratory
- dr. Evelien Wynendaele is interested to receive invitations for talks or presentations