Three CRIG teams receive funding for 'Advanced Technology Equipment 2022' by Stichting tegen Kanker
Stichting tegen Kanker (the Foundation against Cancer) recently launched a call for 'Advanced technology equipment', directed to fundamental cancer reseach teams in Belgian universities. The initative allows the selected teams to acquire expensive and state-of-the-art equipment to enable qualitative and innovative cancer research. Read more on the STK website (in Dutch)...
Among the 17 selected projects (for a total of almost 13 M EUR), 3 CRIG teams were awarded:
- team of Prof. Kris Gevaert and colleagues - automated sample preparation platform (cellenONE) for low input to single-cell mass spectrometry-based proteomics - 321 965 EUR
- team of Prof. Frank Speleman and colleagues - automated imaging platform (MACSima high content imaging system) - 946 734 EUR
- team of Prof. Peter Vandenabeele and colleagues - Small Animal Radiation Therapy (SMART+) platform - 935 033 EUR
For all 3 CRIG projects that were granted, different research teams in Ghent joined forces, and the equipment will also be made available for the CRIG community.
Congratulations to all teams that were awarded, and looking forward to see the leverage effect of the platforms and projects on cancer research in Ghent and beyond!