'SportYves tegen Kanker' 2023 raises fenomenal amount of 36.626 EUR for CRIG research!
'SportYves tegen Kanker' was founded in 2018 as a sporty fundraising event by the family and friends of Yves De Lausnay who died of stomach cancer. Meanwhile, the initiative has grown into a warm event in hounour of all families who are confronted with cancer under the motto #IedereenZijnYves.
Over 600 sporters, together with many helping hands and supporters, joined the latest edition on 17-18 June 2023.
All initiatives and sponsoring combined, the organizers raised a fenomenal 36.626,14 EUR! This money will be used to support promising new cancer research projects at CRIG.
We are so grateful to the organization, as well as all sporters, helping hands and supporters to make this edition into an unforgettable and heart-warming event.