Patients inspire prof. Johan Swinnen to run from Leuven to Compostela.


Professor Johan Swinnen is a cancer researcher at the KU Leuven and vice-chairman of the Leuven cancer institute (LKI). He’s also the father of a son with cancer, Pieter. Out of gratefulness to still have Pieter with him today, and out of respect for the courage that cancer patients have to muster every day, Johan undertakes a very special journey.

On Monday, August 21, he started an ultramarathon from the University Hospital Gasthuisberg (Leuven) to Santiago de Compostela. He’ll carry along a backpack filled with letters and messages from people fighting cancer or bearing the consequences.

With his journey, Johan wants to raise money for the Leuven Cancer Institute.

Read more about this inspiring story!