CRIG 'young investigator proof-of-concept project’: laureates 1st call


In December 2016, CRIG launched research grants for young (postdoctoral) cancer researchers at CRIG to initiate potentially high-risk and innovative cancer research projects. Upon two selection rounds, following postdocs were awarded, and have started their project on March 1: 

  • dr. Sandy Adjemian Catani – ‘Identification of tumor-specific markers and infiltrating immune cells during cancer cell death’
  • dr. Elly Devlieghere – ‘In vivo drug penetration evaluation of a heterocellular 3D Scaffolds as biomimetic of peritoneal metastasis model’
  • dr. Kaat Durinck – ‘Synergistic targeting of a FOXM1 driven DNA damage response in neuroblastoma’
  • dr. An Hendrix – ‘Do cancer cells fire ARMMs to foster invasion and metastasis?’
  • dr. Lutz Nuhn – ‘Engineering the tumor draining lymph nodes with immune-modulating nanoparticles’

While the quality of submitted projects was outstanding, due to limited resources, the jury could unfortunately only grant top-ranked applications. The next call for these YIPOC projects will be launched in May.